Chapter Ten

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Aatikah's POV

"Aaaaahhhhh!! Finally!!!..... We're going home,.... ooooohhhh I really can't believe it. May! I'M GOING HOME!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Like I'm not going home too"

"Why's she even screaming this way? She's the school lover among us, and they just announce a three weeks mid- semester break and she's all over the moon? Other schools get like two months break, and our oh- so-prestigious school here gives us break like its mid-term. Its not fresh at all."

"You're still complaining Tina, its not like it would change anything. The fact that we're even allowed to go on an actual break is what's making me so excited. I really do miss home, plus my dad would be back home this weekend, at least we'll have some family time.
Let's plan our break shall we? We've not gone to the movies in ages, we've not even had time to go shopping, and there's also a new ice cream shop around..... Gosh! There are so many things to do."

"Me I'm just not happy cos the break is too short! Aaarrrggggghhhhh!!" I couldn't help cracking up at May's reaction. Tina joined in too and even Munirah that was busy on her phone dropped it and turned her whole body to pay us attention...

"Weeeelll.... Is there something I'm supposed to know?"
Munirah asked looking from me, to Tina, then Sumayyah and back to me again. I dropped the dress I was folding and dragged a seat from my corner, I placed it in front of my friends and began to talk in a hushed tone...

" ehutsg tgwsryn tgseyjj bddting. Vdatjb jffgvhufv "

"What. Are you saying? I didn't get a single word... Are you okay?" Munirah asked

"Of course you wouldn't get a single word. I was talking gibberish.
You know everything you need to know sis, we couldn't possibly keep anything from you. Right?"

"Riiight" Tina and May replied drily

"So why were you guys cracking up so much?" Munirah pestered

"Uuggghhh.... Nothing really, it was just funny, the way May reacted, plus I guess its cos I'm overexcited, then my laughter was sorta contagious and it affected Tina too. That's all"

"Hmmmm.... Okay then! So when are you leaving? Is your mom coming for you?" Munirah asked changing the subject, there really wasn't even anything to discuss in the first place.

"No, she's not. The driver would be coming around five, what about you?"

"You know you're the rich kid, there's no driver in my case, I'll just order a cab. My place is not that far too,so...."

"Why don't you wait and go with us then? We'll drop you off ... No.. No... You don't get to say no. Its final, I'll call the driver and tell him to Come earlier so we don't get hone late." I knew Munirah was going to try to turn down my offer. The girl was just too good for my liking...

"Awwwnnn,... Thats so thoughtful of you, jazakillah khayran.... I'd really appreciate it "

I replied and hugged her

"Anytime love, we're friends for a reason,... Well, for many reasons actually. Have you packed your stuff?"

"Yeah I have"

I didn't bother asking Tina and Sumayyah cos I knew they already had someone coming for them, Sumayyah's brother, Aamir was and Tina's dad was coming.

As I sat and looked out the window, something occurred to me, I was almost done with my first year, and I was presently 17, in few months, I'd turn 18, Islamically, I'm matured already for marriage, but when I turn 18, I'd be, by my country's law, legal too. Would I have to get married soon? I never even thought about my parents saw the whole marriage ish,

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