Chapter Nineteen

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Aatikah's POV

I looked frantically around for help but none seemed to be in sight.
Tina was by my side just seconds ago, where the hell did she disappear to!
As if she could hear me, I felt my head drawn to a certain tree, beneath it stood Tina and some guy.

Why did today have to be such a day?
Where you could just stop and greet every single passer-by, whether they were graduating or not, whether you knew them or not, OR whether they annoyed the living daylights out of you or NOT! That's exactly what Tina was doing, the guy she was presently conversing with irritated her to the core on a norm, but she just stood there chatting with him like they'd known each other for ages, and hitting him at the back with more force than you'd exert on a friend, she was being sweet in her own way.

I tried to catch her gaze and beg her to help me before this person came closer, but it was just her and her annoying friend in their private little word.


Seeing how there was nowhere for me to run, save the long stretch of road between the hall (which I couldn't get back to), and the party grounds, I sighed in defeat and turned to the one and only person in the University who managed to make my life a living hell.

"Hello Michael!"

I managed to sound as friendly as humanly possible and in my own sweet way, smile at the dog of a being in front of me. If looks could kill and this guy seriously had eyes that were functioning, he'd have long been dead and buried, cos trust me the daggers I was staring at him could hit people miles away.

But unfortunately, looks were just as harmless as a roach and the guys eyes were functionless!
He completely ignored my stares and wrapped his arms around me in an unexpected hug.

Lord! This guy should be grateful I was an hijabi and I had a reputation to protect, cos if I wasn't!... I'll just reserve my comment.

"Its 'pretty mike", darling. You're the only one allowed to call me that, you know?"
"You know that if it were left to me, I'd rather not call you anything. And you also know that you're not supposed o be hugging me"
"But why not! Today's a joyous day and everyone's supposed to be celebrating. Besides I called your name like fifty times and you didn't answer, if you didn't make me run all the way here, I might not have had so much adrenaline pumping in my veins right now, which explains the hugging part"
"Stop being such a liar Michael.."
"Its pretty mike love, P-R-E-T-T-Y M-I-K-E"
"If you'd just shove your senseless nickname where the sun doesn't shine and listen to me well and good! You called me just twice, I heard you loud and clear but I chose to ignore, plus you weren't even running, I noticed you lazily strolling towards me. Why on earth do you choose to keep bothering me?
See my dressing and all? The hijab, the no-make-up thingy? The modest looks and attitudes? It's not just for show Michael, I'm a true muslimah and I'm fine that way, as long as God's pleased with me. Now stop trying to jeopardize my chances of making heaven with all your constant disturbances cos if you keep up with it, I might one day be forced to castrate you, or better still chop off your head"

Bravo! So much for being modest Aatikah.

"Woah! Take it easy woman. It's not as much as a big deal as you're making it out to be. It's also not hard to give up on someone you've had eyes for since your second year. We're in our final year now and you just want me to throw all my feelings away? Just like that?!"

"I dunno what else to tell you Michael, and before you tell me it's pretty bullshit, just shut up, if you find it so hard to throw your feelings for me away, then at least you can throw your eyes somewhere else!
I couldn't really care less.
How can you claim to love someone when all they get from you is discomfort?
You say you have eyes for only me, when I don't even see you at all? You think that's love? Love isn't one sided, Michael. The partners have to feel the same way about each other. Look, you're a really good guy, in your own way, but honestly, you're in many ways not good enough for me. Please, you really should stop bothering yourself about me, it's never going to work."

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