Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Aatikah's POV

Three more patients... three more, and I'm finally free to leave for the day... I'd been chanting those words for the past 30 minutes since Camilla begged me to cover for her. I'd been checking my watch every minute for the first five minutes and when I finally heard the doors open, my heart almost burst out of joy thinking it was Cammy, imagine my disappointment when all I find upon turning around is more and more patients trooping in. I decided then to focus more on attending them rather than sprain my neck from turning for the next hour.

It's not like I was kidding anyone, I know exactly how Camilla measures her time, I should have remembered though.

Things were really real now, and God knows there was no going back anymore, I had no second thoughts and all I prayed for lately was for God to spare our lives till the wedding and beyond, I was totally okay with the decision I had made and something lightened up inside me as I carefully examined the lady in front of me, she seemed very young and she was pretty, with a delicately wrapped scarf around her neck, I couldn't tell if she was a muslim or not, so I just settled for a silent hi.

I stopped to examine her fingers, the left one in particular, I hoped she wouldn't notice me looking though cos I thought that would be really awkward, she caught my eye and followed their direction and I saw a very beautiful smile light up on her face as they landed on her own fingers.

"They're beautiful aren't they?!"


"Yes dear, they are. Very much."

"Thank you miss... I got married two years ago, and everyday I look at the rings,... my fingers, it feels just like yesterday. It's a really beautiful thing, marriage, that is... Although, I used to have a lot of people criticise me for the first few months of my marriage, and I almost let it get to me, I almost allowed it destroy what I already began to cherish"


I had no idea what to say, Lord! I didn't even understand why she was telling me such things

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't mean to bore you, you know? You're still so young and all, so many ladies don't want to get married at a young age, I did. I was 18, and at first my parents wouldn't hear of it, they also thought I was being silly, but I knew deep down inside me that there was nothing that waiting longer could achieve, it was either now or never"

"Really, so... you... uh, put up a... uh, fight, with them?"

"No... no, God no... nothing of the sort. You know, when God has something planned for you, you needn't bother much about the details. All I did was pray and expect that if marriage then was what was ordained for me, then, so be it. I prayed about it every day and night, and my husband, oh, he's the best! He was patient all through the time. He waited, you see... for me, and weeks later, my parents gave us their blessings. I stopped paying attention to what people said cos I had God, my parents, and my sweet sweet husband. And I don't regret that decision, not for once!"

"You're really lucky ma'am, very much... I pray that God continues to keep you happy,... and your husband too."

"Amen, thank you very much. I'm Aariah by the way, do you mind telling me your name?"

"I'm Aatikah. It was really nice meeting you."

"Same here Aatikah, I'm so so sorry for your time, I hope I could make up for it somehow?... how about you give me your number, and we meet up for lunch sometime?"

"Come on, don't be silly. I was happy to listen to you. You don't have to make up for anything. Why don't we do it this way, I'm also getting married in a few days, you give me your address and phone number, and i'll send you an invite?"

I had no idea why I was also planning to invite a total stranger to my wedding, but there was something about Aariah that was admirable.

She flashed her very white teeth at me, and crushed me in a hug before I could process what was going on

"Oh my God! That's very good news! The best news I've heard today. Of course, I'll be there, I'm so honored. I pray that God makes the both of you the coolness of each other's eyes and grants you beautiful kids."

We hugged again, and after that, we exchanged numbers and I got her address, two minutes and more hugs later, she was gone and I was left standing alone, grinning all by myself.

I was brought back to the moment by my phone ringing, and my grin just grew wider seeing who the caller was.

"Hello dear brother, Asalamualaykum."

"And here I was starting to get worried that someone might have wife-napped our bride-to-be... wa alaykumussalam wa rahmotullah."

"You always think the worst thoughts Umar. Why would you even let such a thought cross your mind."

A'udhu billahi mina shaytaani rajeem (I seek refuge in Allah, from Shaytan the accursed)
I muttered quietly under my breath

"Cos I called your phone over twelve times, no, fourteen, no no,... you picked on the fifteenth try, yes! I called you fifteen times, in the last ten minutes and you didn't bother to pick up... sometimes, you really got me doubting that you have any space in your heart left for me. I mean, I came before Jibreel, he's the one you're supposed to be making room for, not me!"

Ya Allah! This boy!...

"Sometimes Umar, it's really hard to believe that you're getting married in just a few days, look at you whining all over the place"

"Hey, don't go there, I'll be the most romantic husband on earth."

"I have no interests in your sexual prowess bro, save it, plus, this has absolutely nothing to do with that. You're just so silly sometimes...What am I guilty of this time though, why have you been trying to destroy my phone?"

"Mom wanted me to remind you about some dress stuff,.. Ya Allah, I forgot what she called it already! Has something to do with your wedding dress, seems like you've to go and fit the tailor or something.."

Oh my God, my dress fitting! I totally forgot....

"Shut up Umar! It's called a dress fitting.. I'm not supposed to go fit the tailor"

"Well thanks for reminding me, how am I supposed to know that?... she wants you to come home before 3, says the fitting's by..."

"Thank bro, it's by 3, I know that. I have to go now, I'll just observe dhur and be on my way. Oh, and by the way, Layla and Ali, have they arrived yet?"

"Really? You think mom would allow them drive from the airport all on their own? She said something about them coming tonight, I can't really remember"

"You keep forgetting everything, silly. I won't be surprised if you forget your wedding day Umar."

"Oh trust me Tik, that's one thing you'll just prepare to be disappointed for, it's the only thing on my mind right now."

"You're totally smitten little brother. Anyways, bye, I'll meet you at home in a couple of hours. Asalamualaykum "

"Wa alaykumussalam Tik. See you in a bit!"

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