Chapter Seventeen

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Aatikah's POV

"Why does it feel like you're not trying to fight for us?"

"Its pointless trying to fight God's plan Jibreel.
That's the only reason I'm not wasting any emotions. It wouldn't make sense if at the end of this all, things don't end as we hoped for."

"I know. And it scares me. It really does"


More silence..

"This is wrong Jibreel. Hang up please, we have to stop talking altogether."

"Yeah. I know. I'm sorry I called.... But remember everything I said to you, I mean every single word. And I promise I'll wait for you.
I promise I wouldn't stop fighting for you.
I believe in God's plan Aatikah, and I believe I'm waiting for a reason. Whatever the reason is, I'll be with you all the way.



~Line cuts off~

"Down to earth girl! What's happening on planet Mars!"


*Blink blink..

Subhanallah! I'd been thinking again.
God this wasn't supposed to have gotten this far.

I clutched my chest as I felt tiny pangs of pain shoot through them from the memory of my conversation with Jibreel months ago.

I closed my eyes wishing the memory would go dark just as the rest of the world beyond me, but it remained just as clear.

I sighed heavily and plastered a huge grin on my face before opening my eyes.

I couldn't bear another round of questioning this morning about where my mind had been,... say my heart also.

I opened my eyes slowly trying to seem as enthusiastic as possible, then I jumped from my sitting position onto my friend catching her completely off guard, and embracing her in a tight hug.

"Ooohhh! You were definitely in another world! Just take it easy with this your newly found strength so you don't take down all the floors beneath us"

I laughed at my friend's floor seeing as my room in sixth year meant I had to be placed on like the eight floor in my hall. It had troubled mom a lot when she found out and caused her to ramble about a lot of things

"What if the elevator suddenly stopped working Tik? Or what if you had to go to the clinic very early? Or you had an appointment with a patient and they were several other doctors waiting in line?...
Oh!! The one that really bothers me is the height! Make sure you never go to the balcony okay?
Stay indoor always, and take the stairs if you don't have to go somewhere in a hurry..."

I'd spent weeks reassuring her that I was going to be fine. After some time, she came to terms with reality and trusted my care to God.

"Alright then. Since your class determines the floor you're put on, I pray you never have any reason to be sent to the lower floors. I'm glad you're in your finals now so you don't have any reason to go to upper floors"

Well, mom, students running their masters progammes stayed on the top floor, except of course! I was traveling out for my masters.

Lucky you mom!

May hugging me back just as tight brought me back to the moment and I couldn't help from laughing at the memory.

She looked really happy as she released me, so I could hug Munirah also.

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