Chapter Five

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Umar's POV
"Asalamualaykum.... oh my! Something smells really breathtaking Mrs Ahmad!'
I said hugging Jibreel's mom, and taking the chance to peep at her back into a pot of boiling cat-fish pepper soup, Gosh! I shouldn't have eaten from home, I couldn't possibly miss something like this, not that my mom isn't the best cook in the whole wide world but on days like this, Mrs Ahmad made special delicacies.
Something about a Wednesday being the day she got engaged to Jibreel's dad, also the day God blessed her with her first son, Jibreel's elder brother, Abd' Gafar who was happily living with his wife and three kids in the UK, if you ask me, I think Jibreel kinda came as an afterthought, cos Abd' Gafar was almost ten years older than him!

"Wa alaykumussalam wa rahmotullah, how are you son? How are your parents?" Mrs Ahmad replied hugging me back, pulling at my cheeks playfully... "Alhamdulillahi I'm fine ma, my parents are fine too, my dad's presently on a business trip though.... I suppose Jibreel is in his room?"... I said with a questioning look towards the hallway that led to their bedrooms

"Of course he is, I almost forgot that you couldn't come all the way from your house to come and play with an old lady like me... you kids, there were days when you couldn't take a step without us moms but now you're all grown up and we even have to beg you not to stay out late"... she said shaking her head and resuming her cooking

"Oh, and remind me to pack some soup so you can take this week's special home to your mom eh?"

"Sure ma, I won't forget"... there was no way on earth I'd forget such a thing, I mean I've got no better thing to think about! I thought with a big grin

I turned and jogged down the slightly long hallway towards Jibreel's room, I met the door ajar,so I peeped in to see him sitting on the edge of his bed with his headphones on, he was all serious about whatever it was he was watching on his phone that he didn't hear me walk up to him, however he jumped when I gave him a hard punch on his deltoid.
He immediately dropped his phone and took off his headphones as we got engaged in a mini wrestle, he ended up throwing me against the door and he was doing a little victory dance when we heard his mom yell...
" Ya Allah! Kids, are you only gonna rest when you bring down that door? Jibreel that's your feeding allowance for the next three months you're throwing at the door!" uh-oh!!
"You're only bluffing mom, you can't do that to your baby boy" he said turning around to pick up his phone, I took that moment to catch him off-guard and tackled him to the floor, pinning his arms behind him, while I grinned wickedly, and slapped the back of his head, he gave a loud grunt as he tried to free his hands but I was more muscular so,... you know?? "Alright man, you win! Get off me already" I got up laughing wickedly, and helped him up too...

" Asalamualaykum wa rahmotullah bro, what's up?"
"Really?? You should have started with the pleasantries instead of making such an entrance, or at least, even given me a warning! Wa alaykumussalam wa rahmotullah"...
"Well, if you hadn't been so engrossed in whatever it is you were watching, you'd have heard me walk in, and even welcomed me properly instead of attacking me back" I said, rubbing my butt where I got thrown at the door. I might be bigger in size and have more muscles than Jibreel, but the guy could really give his all when he was up against something big.
"Has Jones called you?" he asked brushing his hair and adjusting his collar by the mirror
"No he hasn't. I assumed he was gonna call you, if he didn't then we're prolly still meeting up at the field"
"Alright then, let's stop by at the masjid first, we can observe Zuhr and head there after. "
"Sounds good! When do we leave? I assume we're eating first..."
"You assume wrongly my friend, we could always eat when we get back, get your lazy ass up!" he said tapping my head as he walked towards the door
"Aww man! Are you gonna make us play football on an empty stomach?" I whined hoping he'd fall for my act
"You my friend, never walks on an empty stomach, come on!"
He said dragging me by the collar, he knew me all so well.

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