Chapter Three

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"Bro, I dunno how you manage to enjoy this class, I mean if I want to become an Engineer, would I seriously have to find every x and why before being able to properly mix a concrete? I thought it's just need sand, cement, gravels slash granites and water?" meet Jones, he hates Further Maths. Now he wa chewing on his biro cover and tapping his feet in mock annoyance.

"Well my brother told me that I only had to pass this subject well so I could make good grades in my O'levels, I mean if only you know how much stress it takes me to drag my feet, my bag and my lovely self from Arts, you'd write a thousand words essay on why I seriously need to drop this subject, but then I'd hate you for it, cos it's the only class I get to see Aatikah" now my friend had a dreamy expression on his face, lost in his own personal fantasy world with my sister doing God knows what.

Wait, what? My sister!
"Cut it out Jibreel" I said tapping him lightly on his head, "why would you be thinking about such in class? It's my sis we're even talking about here"
I said suddenly getting irritated and defensive
"I don't get it man, are you pissed that I'm thinking about a girl in class or is it cos it's your sis" now all that dreamy expression had gone, and replaced with an unreadable one.
"It just doesn't feel right, I mean she's still so young and all,.. I dunno man, but I don't think she even notices you" I know I was being selfish and overprotective but I just didn't want any guy thinking pervertedly about my sis.
"Okay Umar, just chill okay? I'm sorry. Let's just concentrate eh?... he said innocently
"Alright bro, I'm sorry too, I guess I might have overreacted a bit"
"Nah, you didn't, you're right. It won't happen again"
I nodded and gave him a brotherly pat on the back.
"Awwwnnn guys, I'm so glad we don't fight like girls, an issue like this would have taken them weeks or months to make up" Jones commented, twinkling his eyes like a girl and gave both of us hi- fives with both hands. I really loved my friends but my sis more.

Some minutes later, Mr Williams left the class, giving us tons of assignments to be submitted the following week. The guy was great at his job, almost everyone liked him and enjoyed his teaching but I doubt he knew how much people hated to doing F-math homework. It's times like this that I usually feel lucky to have such a smart sis, it's like she hides all those x's and y's in her room and she just seems to know how to easily find them.

The bell for the next period went off and I saw my sister heading towards us with her group of friends. I instinctively lower my gaze before I could make eye contact with Sumayyah. I don't know why my insides felt funny whenever she was close by or when I thought about her. Okay! Great. Here I was thinking about you girl after I just told my friend off for being human. Way to go Umar, now I feel like such a hypocrite. The Girls said the teslim, and Jibreel and I replied, while Jones awkwardly said "Hi" and Tina cheerfully replied with a "Hello". Well, don't ask me how I know her name, my sister talks about all her friends and since I very well know Sumayyah, and I know that the quiet-looking- beauty was Munirah, that left Tina, who was also the only non-Muslim among them.

"Did you hear that we have to be in the main hall after fifth period? Something to do with our WAEC and NECO exams... plus, no classes after the meeting, so please don't keep me waiting. " Aatikah said
"How come I'm just hearing this?" I asked looking surprised and relieved at the same time.
The guys just shrugged " well now you've heard. I can't wait for fifth period to come, I gotta get out of this compound ASAP, like can't we just have the meeting now" Jones said making us all laugh.
Can't deny it was a good thing to be getting off school early, and that also meant I'd be seeing more of Sumayyah, if you really know what I mean...

Minutes after the meeting...
"Well that went well" I said holding my bag in front of my and peering around the school frontage trying to look for Tik, for someone who didn't want to be delayed she surely wasn't wasting any time.
"So that means we'd be having our WAEC in the next two months, then our final exams the month after." Jibreel commented
" that's really good timing, then anyone that wants to take NECO would have to come back or stay in school after two weeks. Glad I'm not doing it." Jones said doing a little tap dance, clearly he was happy about finishing school soon. Who wouldn't be? I was also, but I was kinda scared. It all seemed to be happening fast, and I just felt all grown up. I'd have to go to the University soon, start working, making a family, all the responsibility! God help me
"Asalamualaykum wa rahmotullah, are you okay? I've been standing here for about 3 minutes and you didn't even notice" Tik said, snapping me out of my thoughts
"Uhm,.. wa alaykumussalam wa rahmotullah, I'm sorry I didn't hear you coming, I was just thinking about some things, have your friends left already?" I replied feeling a bit disappointed that Sumayyah wasn't with her.
"Yeah, May's brother came to pick her already, and Munirah and Tina said they had to go to the library, are you sure you okay? Tik asked looking worried
"Yeah Tik, sure I am! It's nothing at all, trust me. Can we go now?" I said trying to look alright, I really was, but what I didn't understand was why I had to make an effort to be so.
"Alright Umar, whatever you say. You know you can always talk to me about anything though?"
She said as we began walking towards the guys, she walked a bit behind and was looking at the ground.
"Okay guys, see you tomorrow! Make sure you try to come online tonight, we've got things to discuss, Asalamualaykum wa rahmotullah."
I said shaking their hands and adjusting my bag.
"Sure bro, we've got nothing better to do, wa alaykumussalam wa rahmotullah wa barokatuhu " Jibreel replied, and Jones gave a small laugh, I bet he remembered our F-math assignment. You can't blame me, I've got my done and submitted already.
"See you tomorrow, Umar, bye Tik" Jones said and I could bet I saw something flash across Jibreel's face, I chose to ignore it, as I began to walk to the bus stop with my sister.
"So, how was school today Tik?"

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