Chapter 4

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"I want the full story. The whole truth and nothing but the truth." Louise stretched her left arm around Phil's shoulders and squeezed reassuringly. There was a self deprecating sigh.
"I was an idiot Lou. I was miserable and tired and lost and ... and I just want a hug." Louise shuffled across her settee to pull Phil (and the duvet he was rapped in) into a tight hug.
"Phil I don't mean to be hasty, but I'm guessing you did something incredibly... not thought out?" Phil's eyes raised to meet Louise's gentle ones.
"I don't want to be selfish but I need some time to my self you know. It's not like I meant to make him upset it's just that things ... things aren't so good for me at the moment."
"I understand."
The conversation ended there, both people falling into the comforting silence that fit so perfectly around them. Phil knew the look Louise gave him. The look that told him she knew exactly what he'd been doing. But at that time, Phil was surprisingly alright with that.

It had been approximately twenty-four hours since a highly confused Phil knocked on an equally confused Louise's door. In that time, they had successfully fallen asleep on the settee with a movie, starring actors no one had ever heard of, playing softly from the TV. Neither of the pair acknowledged why they were there. They both pushed those thoughts to the back of their mind in order to sit comfortably. Louise was the first to stir, pulling back the cover they had over their laps. Leaning closer to the heat source, Phil began to shuffle around next to her. Deciding he probably needed sleep, Louise left Phil in order to make coffee and pancakes.

Phil's eyes fluttered open slowly like they do in fairytales. For a split second panic ran over him while he tried to remember where he was. Rather fast, the events that led him to his position hit him hard. To say he felt bad would win him an award for the understatement of the year. His whole body ached, his arms itched with something that couldn't be fixed by scratching, his thoughts were drowning in the ideas of what Dan might be doing. Sitting up, he smelt the familiar sent of pancakes coming from nearby swiftly followed by a familiar voice. "Ah good, you're awake. I've made pancakes, if you want some that is." She smiled, handing him a perfectly made cup of coffee.
"I don't think I could handle that right now, thanks for the coffee though."
She smiled softly at him before replying, "not a problem. So do you have any plans for today?" Pushing cushions aside neatly, Louise sat down next to him to drink her own cup of coffee. She put the pancakes on the table and reached for the TV remote. "I'm not sure, I do need to go clean up though."
he smiled at her smugly. "Well you know where the shower is." she giggled.
"Thank you Louise, this means a lot." They simply looked at each other meaningfully before Phil left the room, leaving Louise alone to eat the pancakes.

They were standing outside Louise's front door about three hours after they woke up. The pair had freshened up and talked about nothing for the rest of their time together. "So Phil, where are you planning on going now then?"
"I think I just want to go home for a while, to my parents I mean. Besides, it's been a while since I've seen them. Thanks for letting me stay with you Lou, it helped a lot." Phil hugged her sweetly, feeling better for once.
"Stop thanking me, I was hardly going to leave you standing on my doorstep for the night," she sighed softly. "Alright, bye Phil. Phone me when you get there?" Louise pulled back from their tight hug to look at him properly for the first time in quite a while.
"Bye Louise, I promise I'll phone." Phil reassured as he began to walk down the driveway.
"Bye." Louise concluded.

Phil walked for quite some time before he could find a taxi to take him to the airport. On the way he managed to book some last minute tickets to an airport near his parents' house. He had only the small amount of belongings he had shoved into his rug sack to keep him going for an unknown amount of time. The taxi ride lasted eons longer than what he had expected and with only angry birds to keep him company, his thoughts were going wild.

What are you doing Phil?
You've abandoned the only person who could ever love you.
Who's this kidding?
Dan will never love you
Worthless faggot

'Calm it Phil, remember what you've been taught. Just breathe.' The taxi driver, currently sitting in a pile up of traffic, turned his neck awkwardly to stare at his passenger. "You okay back there sir?" Phil looked from his lap which he had subconsciously been glued too. The driver had a head of thinning air covered by a company snap-back. His eyes were a gentle green but yet clearly hiding a smug grin. "Yeah, yeah sorry. I'm fine. Do you know how long it'll be 'till we get there?"
"About one and a half hours I reckon. The traffic is terrible." Phil sighed inwardly, not wanting to openly show how uncomfortable that made him.
"Alright, thanks." He muttered.

At The Flat
Dan sat comfortably on the edge of the settee watching the TV flash with depressing pictures on the news. Gently, he lent forward for the remote before standing up. You can only go so long watching the news and it had definitely been more than two hours. After Phil had left, Dan had stayed with his back pressed firmly against the hallway wall, desperately trying to convince himself of where he was. Granted, he probably looked a reck but it did help ground him. The screen ahead of him turned black quickly leaving Dan stood alone in the empty lounge. Unfortunately, Dan was never truly alone. He fell back on the settee, pressing his palms to his ears. No amount of desperation could block his demons taunting him. He was trapped inside his own head.

"Do you remember when I called you a murderer? Your stupid little child brain thought that threatening me would help you get over it. You were so wrong Danny. So. Incredibly. Wrong."

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