Chapter 8

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Despite the sinister undertones of the scene played in front of you, the two young men cuddled on the settee are definitely worth your time. The sun shone through their lounge curtains, filing the room with a golden tint. It filled the pair with that fuzzy sweet feeling that the day would be happy. Full of sunshine? Apparently so. But this time, the pair also saw the sun coming through their curtains as a nice, cheesy way to wake up, why would they need to buy thicker curtains when thin curtains made for such a beautiful scene?

Blocking out the sun with his hands, Dan blinked several times. He was blissfully unaware of how he ended up snuggled on the settee next to the man he thought had left him and he certainly wasn't going to be complaining about it any time soon. What did happen uncannily soon though, was Phil waking up peacefully.

"Morning sunshine!" Dan almost sang, shuffling himself into Phil's chest as if to attach him self there forever. Leaning his head back onto Phil's shoulder he looked up at the man, waiting for his response. "You talking to me or the sun?" Phil lent in to Dan to show that he agreed to whatever it was that Dan was doing, "Oh shut up!" Dan giggled, kissing Phil's cheek softly. They smiled softly at each other, comfortable with their silence. "You have any plans for today?" Phil asked casually.
"What do you think?" Dan turned to Phil slowly, still giggling slightly in his sleepy haze. They stayed there with intertwined limbs for just a little longer. When they finally decided it would be in their best interest to get up of the floor they'd somehow moved to, they simply looked at each other for that little bit longer once more. Dan was the first to break there silence... again. With a smile on his face he stood up and looked down on a confused Phil. "I'll make breakfast for us shall I?" Without even waiting for an answer, Dan got up to make something at least partially edible. If you were to be looking, you'd quite clearly see Phil's eyes slowly fizzle out. Unfortunately, nobody was looking. Nobody ever looked. Dan proceeded to cook eggs while still oblivious to Phil's desperate yet silent please for help. Much too soon, the food was ready. Rather reluctantly, Phil sat down at the table in front of Dan. If you were to be looking, you'd quite clearly see tears form in between the cracks of Phil's eyes. Unfortunately, there was still nobody looking. Like I said, nobody ever looked.

"So princess, scrambled egg was the best I could come up with. Hope you don't mind." Phil smiled unrealistically before watching Dan pick up his fork. Reluctantly, Phil also picked up his own fork yet all he could manage was to push it around the plate a bit. He was far too uncomfortable when he eventually ate three mouthfuls. Of corse he was actually hungry, starving in fact, but some place locked far away in his head there was a voice telling him he couldn't eat. He shouldn't eat. He was already fat enough. 

"Phil, you've ate barely anything. Oh god Phil please no." Phil looked at his own plate and then at Dan's empty one. Without saying a word he picked them both up and walked towards the kitchen. Unfortunately for him, Dan followed at his heals. "Phil why didn't you tell me. Look at me, Phil. I'm supposed to help you." Still no verbal response from Phil but there was an unwelcome middle finger. Phil didn't mean to ever hurt Dan but some things were worth it in the long run. Looking rather scared, Dan continued to question Phil's actions, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was getting no response. Still without a word, Phil sat down on their kitchen floor with his back pressed against a cupboard as if he were a young child sulking. Dan looked down at him and smiled sadly. This wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to be fine. "Come on Phil, you've got to eat something. What's happened? Are you okay? Phil please talk to me I want to help you." Something clicked deep inside Dan's mind as he looked at the mess in front of him. Amongst all of his own issues, Dan had failed to do what he had once promised. Phil was now sat in front of him completely broken and it was all his fault. After all the years they'd spent together under the stars, hidden in fortresses to protect themselves, Dan had forgotten to look over at the man next to him. Now he had to pay the price. Slowly, he lowered himself to the kitchen floor and extremely carefully, he placed an arm around Phil's shoulders then leaned in to his boyfriend's side. Phil didn't even acknowledge Dan beside him. Together they sat until who knows what hour. "I'm so sorry Phil." was repeated so many times it fit the cliche broken record metaphor perfectly. Tears fell from Dan's eyes making their situation even more 'cheesy' and stereotypical of a couples experience. A very frustrating experience fits it better really. Apologies continued to fall from Dan's unguarded lips as Phil finally acknowledged him, willingly moving closer to the other man. "Years ago Phil, years and years ago you promised me that you'd try and get better. I think we need to refresh that promos don't you?"

There was no reply.

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