Chapter 6

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"So how are you?"
"N-not bad, you?"
"I'm quite good." Lewis lent back on his chair, kicking his feet up onto the table. "You see Dan, this is nice. We should do the more often don't you think?" Dan kept his gaze on the steaming hot cup he was clenching. "Daniel? What's the matter? Don't ignore me. Are you still upset about the whole Phil thing? You don't need that scum Daniel, you have me. We could-"
"It's n-not about Phil." He instantly regretted speaking up so tried his best to sink into his chair. Apparently Lewis was having none of it. With a strong sigh he said the dreaded words. "Daniel we need to talk." Never a good start in the history of speech openings. "It's been years since I've seen you properly and honest to god you look like shit! I'd like to start this of with confirmation that I have forgiven you for murdering your best friend. I'm even on my way to accepting that we don't get on. When you where younger I was not the nicest to you and for that I am sorry. I still fucking hate you. Alright, your turn." Lewis looked at the wooden table slightly nervously. The fact that Lewis could look nervous freaked Dan out a fair amount. Since when had the, now man, felt anything other than anger?
"We've b-been talking a-a lot these few d-days though, do-do we have to, have t-to continue?" A solemn nod followed swiftly. Nothing about the situation made Dan feel any better. He had seen Lewis regularly after he was let out of that hospital. The boy clearly had nothing better to do then follow Dan around like a stray cat. It wasn't even like he brought anything to conversation. Over the years Dan had learnt not to socialise or even acknowledge Lewis in public due to the disapproving looks from people on the streets. For some reason Lewis thought that shouting random insults, bringing up repressed memories and generally being an insufferable dick was the way to Dan's heart. Maybe not heart. Nothing about the strange male stuck Dan as loving. "Talk Dan." Lewis leaned back effortlessly in his chair, now seeming much more like himself.
"I'm s-sorry."
"Good start. Continue. What have you been up to?" Dan met up with Phil as regularly as he met his therapist once he was finally released. Phil had a lucky escape a week before Dan but still went to see him when he came for a therapy session. It was nice to see Phil. After all of the same dull faces racking his brain, Phil's smile was a nice break. They were a perfect fit for each other, everyone said so. They were going to spend their lives together.
"What d-do we need to t-t-talk about?" Dan sputtered out.
"I have a list!"
Of corse he does.
"Start with Phil? Tell me about him." Lewis smirked.
"You know a lot about him already," the look Lewis had plastered on his face instantly stopped Dan's rebellion, "I love him still. I guess I was just being my stupid self a-"
With a burst of laughed, Lewis interrupted "You got that right kid!"
"Right. I d-don't think he likes m-me anymore though. We were s-supposed to be together f-forever like in those cheesy l-love stories no one ever finishes. I just d-don't know w-what to d-do now. He hasn't m-messaged
m-me an-" Dan was interrupted yet again.
"Well have you messaged him you prick?"
"Well no, but-"
"Fucking dumb idiot. No wonder he hates you. Everyone hates you, you're so self centred. He's too good for you Dan. Probably ran off with that girl from the nutter house! Now that would be a pretty sight wouldn't it?"
"Are you planning on letting me speak?"
"Ohh getting cocky now are we?"
"Well n-no, I d-didn't mean it like that!"
"They never do, alright I'm done. Continue!"
"Thank you.  I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now. It's over, he's never coming back and I know that. Ugh how do people cope with break ups."
"Break ups are stupid. You never forget them after which really defeats the fucking point. I used to think that when someone died, it would be the same."
"But apparently, you forget them. Stupid little minds can forget their dead best friend, but not their failed relationship. How bizarre."
"Shut up. Don't do this."
"Sorry. Wait, no I'm not. You're a disgusting scum. You should be the one who's dead." He spoke calmly yet with a touch of confidence. Lewis was up to something. That never meant anything good. Dan sat up from where he had been sprawled out on the settee so he could get a proper look at Lewis. He sighed deeply. Lewis had a proud grin on his face as if he had just one a gold medal. "What is it? W-Why are you smiling?"
"Can't a guy be happy?"
"N-not a guy l-like you." That didn't go down well
"I hate you Daniel. I'm really trying here. I'm trying not to ruin your life but I'm quickly changing my mind." Why was he still smiling?
"Stop w-whatever it-t is you are d-doing, it's s-scaring m-me."
"Did I tell you?" Finally the smile would be explained.
"T-tell me what?" This was bad.
"I'll take that as a no. There's someone who has wanted to see you for a while. I thought it would be best to prolong the visit until you got out the crazy house. They were so fucking annoying there. So judgemental!" Lewis sat up straight in an accusing manner, almost as if the 'crazy house' as he put it, was taunting him from the front of the lounge. "I'll just show you. You can come in now!" From around the corner of the open door, a young woman walked in. This was bad. This was very bad.
"Hi Dan." Lucy stepped toward Lewis, leaving a safe distance between herself and Dan. " Long time no see."
"Lucy." He stuttered out.
"She's no longer a child Daniel. She's no longer your friend. Can we cut to the chance at this point. I have things to do later. I'm quite hungry too."
"Good idea, skip the part where we actually have a chance to fix anything. That's a plan for the books." Lucy sarcastically bit.
"God what happened to you. You were always the positive figure."
"Yes, Lewis. The positive figure which you wanted to murder. Don't think I've forgotten about that!" Dan sat is terrifying silence as he watched both Lewis and Lucy interacting. What used to be his nice, sweet Lucy was now a a sarcastic, patronising twat. He had so many fond memories of the young, innocent girl he had always been able to confide in. Apparently none of tha mattered now. None of that mattered after he murdered her.
"Why did you do it Dan? We were friends right? You could have said no. You killed me Dan. You didn't want me. You killed me. I thought you loved me."
At the age of five, Dan had became very lonely. His mum and dad had the perfect life with jobs they adored and a relationship to be admired. Unfortunately, neither of those things factored in a young, hyperactive Dan.
Why did you do it Daniel? Why? You're a murderer Daniel. You're a scum.
The boy was always said to have a 'powerful' imagination. So much so that teachers just didn't understand him. No one understood his bizarre speeches and suspicious drawings. At least, until he decided to ask why his teacher had flying numbers in her class. To the boy's surprise, his teacher was rather gentle in getting Dan out of the class before he could fall in the lava around the room. After that day, his parents decided to take more of an interest in him. Dan was their new project. He was moved between different therapists and psychologists and anyone else for that matter. They all tried to help him. Each person explained things to Dan in a way that would make him understand.
Killer. How does that make you feel? You're worth nothing Daniel, nothing.
The problem was, Dan didn't want to understand. Nothing anyone said would make him take the weird medicine and talk to the tall man with a weird coat. Things got worse as time went on. He became violent at times while so out of it no one could bring him back. Dan's parents tried hard to fix him but this wants another victorian manor or rusty bike, it was a life. In front of their son, their relationship fell to pieces resulting in a divorce. All of which, was of corse Dan's fault. With only his father around after that, Dan needed someone to talk to. Someone who wouldn't judge him. By a stroke of luck, a girl his age waltz into his life. She was sweet and charming, caring and loving. The only problem though, was that Lucy was not real.
You should be the one dead Daniel. Go on, do it. Who is there to miss you?
"I never meant to hurt you!" Dan pushed back the cushions around him, kicking his body backwards into the tight corner. "I don't want to hurt you." He echoed the words as if it were a mantra into his legs where his head had sought refuge. Rocking slowly, he began to cry. Why not? He had already ruined his life (quite successfully really) so why not breakdown, again. His lungs shut as his ears buzzed, creating a rather depressing look for an outsider. His thoughts decided to chime in, only adding to the situation at hand. In the distance he could here rattling and cars along with an assortment of general noice. All of it made for an unpleasant mess in his head. Fragments of a panicked voice found its way to his terrified brain.
"Dan? - fuck - Dan? Look - me - shit - shit - hang on - for me - Phil - focus."

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