Chapter 12

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"Boys please, you're being stupid." Louise sat miserably between Dan and Phil. The pair had barely spoken since they left the hospital. Obviously they were bitterly aware that they needed to have a conversation to sort things out, but no one was willing to suggest it.
"Lou we appreciate your help but I just don't think this is going to work."
"Philip Micheal Lester you will sit here and you will talk to your boyfriend, do you understand?" That certainly silenced them both. She hadn't meant to sound mean, really. However, being just a little bit bossy and harsh isn't the end of the world now is it? "How about I leave you to it. When I see you again though, you better be back to normal. It really is extremely annoying when you are all awkward around each other." With that, Louise got herself up and walked toward the front door with Phil trailing behind. At the door Dan could here them softly talking about what was probably something and nothing. Then she was gone.

Alone again, Phil went back to his room while Dan stayed on the settee thinking. They had to get talking soon. Although it hadn't been long, the awkwardness between them was unbearable. Everything just seemed strange, as if it were glazed over. Dan sat thinking about how to approach Phil for much longer than he was planning on. When he decided to move, he saw the time and decided how he was going to talk to Phil. He called Phil back into the lounge to give him food in an experiment to see if Phil was actually getting any better. It seemed a bit mean to put him under sudden pressure but after thinking it over he came to the conclusion that it was for his own good.

"I've made food Phil." He could instantly see Phil's face drop so he decided to explain himself. "It's salad so it's not that dramatically overwhelming for you. You still need to eat though and in all honesty, I'm very proud at how edible the dish looks." The last part made Phil giggle a little, a nice neither of them had heard in a while. They smiled sweetly at each other but the whole interaction still felt quite bizarre. Neither of them really knew how to have a conversation with each other now. Instead of attempting it anyway Dan dished out the salad, making his own portion slightly bigger. He handed one to Phil who put it on the coffee table without much thought. Copying him without thinking it through, Dan put his bowl next to Phil's. Dan and Phil stood just looking at each other with no purpose.

Without warning, Phil burst into tears. Leaning forward, he grabbed hold of Dan's shirt and pulled the man close. "Please don't ever leave me Dan!" Phil wailed. Secretly, in the comfort of his own mind (not really known for being a very comforting place but it had it's moments) Dan thought about how Phil was the one to actually leave Dan however Phil had also saved Dan from himself many times. It was a difficult position to be in. From one side he was being told to run for the hills, get as far away from Phil as possible but the other side was telling him to suck it up and hug his so called boyfriend.

Pulling himself together, he picked the second option. Shuffling even closer, Dan embraced Phil tightly and let him cry against his shoulder. Once again, they stood there for a while, and this time they were gently swaying like an elderly couple listening to old tunes and reminiscing about their past.

Later that night, Phil laid in bed fidgeting with his hands before turning over then repeating the cycle like a restless child waiting for something to happen.
"Go to sleep Phil." Phil turned around to look at his boyfriend.
"I'm not tired though." He whined.
"You sound like such a child." Dan muttered. He shifted closer to the centre of the bed to wrap his arms around Phil. "Just sleep, I've got you."

So once again, they settled into bed together. Some people compare lives to rollercoasters with all their sudden turns at alarming speeds but so far, these two men have had lives that can't be described with rollercoaster analogies. Their lives can be me accurately compared to driving over the Alps in an expensive, ridiculously low sports car with an already terrible suspension. It is much more specific but that only makes it more accurate. The problem is, will they ever reach a road or will they simply go tumbling down the mountains? Who knows? Just remember that there is always something completely new and unexpected around the next corner.

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