Chapter 13

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Everyone was gathered in Dan and Phil's lounge after eating way to much Chinese takeaway. Okay so everyone is a little extreme to say that Louise and PJ where their only guests.

"Oh come on guys you all need a break. It will be alright, I promise."
"Not to sound mean Louise, but you are the last person I would expect to invite people out to a nightclub."
"Sometimes you've got to live life on the edge darling!" Louise giggled softly, leaning into PJ's shoulder.
"Who are you and what have you done with our friend?" Phil good heartedly announced from the corner. Louise looked over, smile on her face.
"Come on I'm not that dull am I?" She questioned.
"Not so much dull," Dan interrupted before Phil spoke in an attempt to save him, "You're more... safe."
"I'll take what I can get young man."
"So do we get drunk first?" PJ asked, changing the subject.
"Obviously. No one goes to a nightclub sober!" Exclaimed Phil.
"Well we'll be the first then won't we. By the time we all get ready it will be about midnight so there's no point." They nodded in agreement before making plans and heading their separate ways.

Louise, PJ, Dan and Phil were stood outside the nearest nightclub they knew (but to be fair they didn't know many nightclubs) in their best party outfits. The plan was simple; get drunk and forget the past few weeks. They went in and congregated around the bar while Phil ordered the most alcoholic sounding drinks. For what seemed like hours they were jumping about and screaming with everyone else. It didn't take long for the alcohol to start messing with Dan's stomach though. Looking around, his friends were all dancing happily in their own little world. Felling sick, Dan took that time to excuse himself and head to the toilets before it was too late. Just as Dan had expected, the toilets were filthy and caked with so much grime that even if you didn't feel sick before you entered, you certainly would do while in there. As much as Dan wanted to sink into the floor with his head in his hands, he really didn't want to take his chances on the unclean thing. Instead, he simply walked over to the urinals so he didn't seem suspicious before walked right back out again. After escaping the toilet which seemingly doubled up as a torture chamber Dan was left with the task of relocating his friends. It didn't take long for him to give up. He walked towards the bar with the intention of getting even more drunk.

Dan sat at the bar facing away from the cute barman while looking into the crowd of people. He'd lost his friend's but who doesn't when they go to a nightclub? After a while he spotted Louise dancing to one side with a middle aged man who looked very out of place in a club full of drunk youths and alcoholics. He smiled to himself when he saw how happy Louise and the stranger looked. They'd make a sweet couple. Dan continued looking around the room until he finally saw the second of his friends. PJ was sat with an abundance of very drunk women who all seemed to be interested in him. Although it was very unlike his friend, Dan put it down to the alcohol and laughed it off. Only one more person to spot; his boyfriend. No matter how hard Dan looked, he couldn't see Phil from his little stool by the bat. Wondering around the club didn't help him spot Phil either so he took refuge in a quite corner. That's when he saw it. At the opposite side of the room his boyfriend was pressing another man against a wall by the sheer force of his lips. Quite attractive if Dan was actually the one he was kissing. Without thinking, Dan stormed over to give his opinion.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Dan yelled in a futile attempt to be heard over the music. Besides it was pretty clear what Phil was doing anyway. Even though he really didn't want to believe it, Phil was sucking the face off of some sleazy looking businessman. Dan was taken aback when the first thought that came to his mind was 'at least he's happy'. Mostly, he meant it as well. That didn't mean he hated it any less though.

Sheepishly, Phil turned around to face Dan. 'Shit...' he thought. Situations like this never went well in movies. Somewhere in the depths of his drunken mind, Phil knew he'd been an idiot but it was a shame he didn't know how to fix it though. "Hi babe!" He slurred excitedly. Definitely not the best opening sentence he could have came up with. It was too late to think that through by then though. Dan had left.

"Well he's clearly not gonna be taking you home now is he? I have a nice warm bed and my place though, what do say?" With both men drunk out of their minds on cocktails, neither really knew what they wanted. Whether it was the alcohol or the possibility of sex, Phil accepted the man's offer and stumbled out the door. Gripping the smooth hand tightly, he let his new companion guide him through usually busy streets and into a quint looking apartment. Giggling like mad, the pair started to make there way to a bedroom but collapsed onto a settee on the way. Oh well, it was close enough.

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