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The breeze of the motorcycle brushed past Grace's leather jacket, as her hands were pressed on the handlebars. The other five motorcyclists were spread out, either: in front of her, behind her or on the side of her.

The black and dark purple motorcycle destroying any good image of her. The other cyclists were revving their engines as they were on the highway with other cars driving at a diligent speed.

Just then, the sound of police sirens came into contact with all the motorcyclists ears. Many of them sped up, just like Grace did. However, the more they sped up the more the police cars came into view.

Lifting her hand up and drawing in the air a circle, everyone understood the command. The motorcyclists had partitioned ways as they went, left, right or even straight. Grace had turned right as she sped up the breeze hitting her as she was manoeuvring her way through a narrow road works area, feeling the police hot on her tracks.

Out of nowhere, a police car slid in front of her making her lose control; the motorcycle bashed into the steel barrier as she flew up landing on the grassy hill, rolling down as her helmet came off.

She felt pain surround her as she heard police men yell making her get up hastily with the oozing sensation of pain flooding through her entire body. She nearly stumbled but kept her balance.

As she was making an escape she was faced with another batch of policemen in front of her. She breathed out knowing she didn't have any other way to go.

"A stolen motorcycle?" Her mother scolded her with a slap to her injured upper arm.

With scratches surrounding her cheek: a deep cut on her right cheek and a few minor minor scratches on her left. Her forehead with a few grazes as well as her arms were purple and her lip was slightly cut.

She'd gone through even more bruises in the past.

"Ish. Mom!" She gripped onto her arm feeling the pain slowly decrease.

"You were riding a stolen motorcycle?" A police officer named, Andrew dropped down two files on his desk. One was about her and another was about a criminal, whom she'd seen previously. The two of them stared at Grace, who looked confused.

"A stolen motorcycle?" She repeated.

"Surely, you would've known that." The officer spoke as Grace was thinking back to what the officer had just said.

A stolen motorcycle

"Since Grace wasn't intending on doing so, she'll be given off with a warning." Officer Andrew spoke glancing at Grace as he was discussing this to her mother.

"Twenty eight. 5,8. Marcus Kowel." Grace spoke getting up from her chair, as Officer Andrew looked confused before he realised what she was on about.

Heading out of the police station, Grace made her way out into the streets, as her mother shook her head at her daughter, who was currently walking away.

"When will she change?" She sighed.

Climbing up the white steps, Grace heard music, chattering and laughter. As she was heading up the stairs, she saw Tania playing foosball. She approached her,

"You sold me a stolen motorcycle?" Tania turned around to see Grace standing there as she glanced at her injuries.

"So you're alive." Tania looked nothing but amused.

"You sold me a stolen motorcycle." She repeated with more a statement.

"Of course, idiot." She smirked. "I'm not gonna give you a free one now. $80 worth." Tania shook her head at Grace, who stepped forwards and head butted Tania. She landed on the floor with a yelp. Blood oozing down her nose as she swallowed.

People were now gasping and shocked at the sight of Grace and Tania. Tania got up and was ready to throw a punch, Grace dodged it gracefully. Tania was slammed onto the ground with one arm flip by Grace.

Now, girls and boys were running towards her as they didn't dare touch Grace, who stuffed her hand into Tania's pockets and pulled out keys. Chucking them in the air, she spoke,

"Now another stolen motorcycle."

Grace made her way down the steps hearing Tania's enraged yell occur, Grace was limping down the last step as she spotted the dark pink motorcycle with the dominating colour being black.

She winced as she outstretched her left foot to the other side of the motorcycle. Breathing out, she flipped over the helmet and placed it on, feeling the graze on her cheek burn at the sudden contact. Strapping the helmet, she switched on the ignition, her fists had a few stains. Blood stains to be precise.

Kicking her foot on the kick starter she pulled her legs up off the ground, revving the engine as she sped off down the streets of Adenview.

Riding by on the freeway her leather jacket flowing as her hands were steadied on the handlebars letting the breeze giving a refreshing moment.

She stopped abruptly as she saw a young boy crossing the road. As soon as he crossed the road, she sped off again, but this time, she wasn't paying attention to as much detail previously.

Something or someone caught her eye as they both bumped into another with their vehicles (at slow speed). Grace and the other motorcyclist fell off their bikes as they both rolled and landed on the floor. She held her arm before pushing herself up.

Pulling up her helmet frame, as the other person did the same, she saw it was none other than, Griffin Waters.

They both stared at another for a few seconds recognising each other before staring at their surroundings.

"Not this again." Grace muttered underneath her voice.

"Couldn't you watch where you were going?" Griffin inquired as he furrowed his brows.

"Me?" She arched her brow. "You should've also looked where you were going." Grace answered calmly as people were passing by the quiet street.

"What are you doing here, by the way?" Griffin asked as he curiously glanced at Grace.

"Riding away, like normal." She breathed out.

"What about you?" She asked.

"Pretty much the same." They both got up.

Griffin noticed the blood on Grace's knuckles as Grace was fixing her jacket.

"Knocked someone down?" He asked switching glances from her knuckles to Grace's face.

"You could probably say that." She noted as she spotted her own knuckles.

Catching site of none other than Officer Andrew she internally was surprised but on the outside remained her calm, breathing out.

"Today's not my day."

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