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Author's Note: In every short story, their personalities will probably be different as they're based off various different posts and stuff... if you know what I mean.

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Scorpio leaned forward in his chair and rested his head on his hands.

School. Such a... useless thing. Regardless of what the teachers told you, you wouldn't be using Pythagoras' Theorem in 'real life'.

Of course, quite simply placed, Scorpio was bored. Like every other day, when he was bored, he would watch his classmates.

He wasn't a 'stalker' or anything - it was just that... he was bored. There was no other answer to this.

He started off with analysing Aquarius, who sat next to him. Aquarius, or Aqua as most people called him, was currently staring out the window. Scorpio looked out the window as well, trying to find what intrigued him, but gave up soon afterwards and turned to his right.

Cancer sat on his right and had her phone hidden under the table. She giggled as her phone vibrated slightly and tapped a message back to... whoever she was texting.

Scorpio rolled his eyes and his eyes flickered over to Virgo, who sat directly in front of him. Virgo sat right at the front of the class and was... taking notes. Somehow. Maybe she actually could understand the teacher's gibberish.

Sitting to Virgo's right was Capricorn. She wasn't doing anything interesting except for sorting through her never ending supply of stationery. No wonder she and Virgo were such close friends.

"Psst." Aquarius suddenly said in his ear. "Could you ask Pisces to show me her notes? I, erm, missed out on a bit."

Scorpio sighed. He knew Aquarius would continue bugging him if he didn't do as he said, so he turned around and tapped Pisces on the shoulder. "Aquarius wants your notes." he said bluntly.

If you even have any, that is.

"Oh, of course! If he needs more help, don't be afraid to ask me again!" Pisces said with a huge smile, handing Scorpio her notes. Scorpio peered down at Pisces' notes for a split second - all written in a slightly cursive scrawl - then nodded and handed it to Aquarius.

"Thanks, mate." Aquarius said, then began to copy down her notes onto his wrinkled sheet of paper.

"Teacher?" Libra suddenly called, raising her hand. The teacher sighed deeply and turned to Libra. "Yes?"

"I should call you Google... because you are everything I'm looking for!"

The teacher groaned, shook his head and went back to spitting his gibberish at a hundred miles per hour. Wonderful.

Speaking of which, Scorpio still was bored.

"What's the time?" he whisper-yelled at Sagittarius, who was watching the clock. As always.

"2:50." Sagittarius whisper-yelled back. "So close to freedom - I can taste it, just there..."

"- you mean they're, not their." Taurus pointed out. This earned another groan from the teacher, but it didn't stop him from continuing his lecture.

Scanning the room, Scorpio noticed many things.

Leo was fixing his hair, trying to get it in that weird 'I-didn't-put-any-effort-into-this-hairstyle-but-it-looks-fabulous-anyways' shape.

Aries, who had been yelled at multiple times during this lesson and had gotten herself into detention - again.

Gemini, who was tossing a mini soccer ball from hand to hand. Known as the popular sporty guy.

"Alright, class dismissed." The teacher finally grumbled. "Now I need to get some coffee..."

Sagittarius was already out of the room before he had even finished talking. Everyone was eagerly packing up - except for Virgo, who was finishing her note-taking - and hurrying for the door.

None of them knew the secrets that Scorpio kept. Scorpio smiled and his eyes flickered over each and every one of them.

"I know so many things about you," he whispered under his breath, "even things you don't know about yourself."

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