Locked in a Closet

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"How did we end up in here again?" someone asked. Leo shrugged, though nobody could see him anyways - it was rather dark in the closet.

On how they got there... well, it wasn't Leo's fault. He was sure of it. It was just... you know, an innocent game of truth and dare, then Leo may or may not have shoved Gemini in an attempt to push him in the closet with Libra, but then Gemini had grabbed his shirt and they both fell and they might have pulled everyone into the closet.

Totally not Leo's fault. Leo chuckled, trying to keep up a positive atmosphere. "You know, I remember a time when Oliver - you know him? The school bully? - shoved me into my locker because I wouldn't give him my lunch money!"

Someone blindly reached out and slapped Leo. "Hey!" he protested. "So it was you." Leo heard Aries' angry voice echo through the closet. She made another grab for him again, but he managed to step aside.

"Ow!" someone yelped as Leo stepped on their foot. "Sorry!" he said cheerfully.

A light suddenly turned on. Everyone shielded their eyes, muttering curses. "Sorry." Virgo said, lifting her phone. Suddenly the closet was bright - now Leo could see it was a rather large closet, though it was pretty stuffy when there were twelve people inside.

"Let's try finding something that'll help us get out." Virgo said, beginning to search the walls. Gemini rattled the doorknob. "It's locked!" he exclaimed. "You know, we really shouldn't have locks on closets. I mean, who would steal clothes? Well, I guess... maybe Leo would -"

"Hey!" Leo said again, but Gemini ignored him and kept on talking.

"It's your fault we're in here!" Aries snapped at the closest person, who was Cancer. She was already getting teary eyed and huddling up.

"Oh, Aries, let's try to be patient, okay? I know you can," Libra said, leaning against Aries. She pushed her away with a growl. "Stop leaning on me! It's way too stuffy in here and I don't need someone squishing me against wall!"

"There, there." Capricorn said, handing Cancer a tissue and looking slightly uncomfortable. Capricorn stood up. "I think if we can find a..."

"Long, thin object, we can pick the lock!" Taurus exclaimed. The two earth signs began to discuss a plan on how the get out.

Leo tried to ignore the chaos behind him and continued talking. "So, I was shoved into my locker and he locked the door. Somehow, I managed to get a pin through the lock and set myself free!"

"Really? I freed myself by smashing the closest object against the door." Sagittarius added. Leo turned to him and grinned. "So you were shoved into your locker too?"

"Eh, closet, locker, same thing." he replied, recalling the memory. Leo was about to say something when he saw Scorpio glaring at him from a corner. Leo smiled shakily and gave him a thumbs up.

"Oh, we're stuck in a closet! I'm totally having a great time!" Aquarius growled at Sagittarius. "We can totally pick the lock from inside a closet! I've always wanted to try picking locks!"

"Hey, it's not my problem." Sagittarius protested.

Pisces was sitting in the corner next to Cancer, staring out as if in a daze. She was daydreaming - again, apparently.

"Guys?" Leo tried again, but the sound of people arguing drowned out his voice. And Leo didn't like having his voice drowned out.


"A key!" Virgo exclaimed. Capricorn and Taurus looked up from whatever they had been doing - Leo noticed they were working on some sort of makeshift object. Aries and Libra stopped talking - Gemini continued talking, even though it was completely silent, though he was quickly silenced by Scorpio's glare. Cancer sniffled softly and Pisces broke out of her daydream to pat her on the back. Sagittarius stopped arguing with Aquarius and Scorpio almost didn't look... angry for once.

All eyes watched Virgo as she made her way to the door and ran her flashlight over it until she had found a keyhole. She slotted the key in and twisted it.

The closet doors swung open. "Virgo! You're a lifesaver!" Leo exclaimed, about to give her a hug. "Hands off, lion boy." Virgo swatted his hands away and walked out.

Leo chuckled and stepped out, watching everyone scrabble to exit the closet. "Who does this closet belong to, anyways? It's huge."

Nobody answered him as they were too busy fighting each other to get out. Leo looked up at the sun, which was dipping beyond the horizon, and smiled. Even though it might have been his fault - just a little - he felt glad he had initiated a bonding moment for the twelve zodiac signs.

"I hate you!" Scorpio and Aries yelled at him simultaneously, destroying his dramatic moment. Leo laughed - but it was cut off when the two zodiac signs began to chase him. He decided that right now would be a very good time to start running for his life.

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