Scorpio (m) X Pisces (f): Hurting By Loving - Part 2

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Author's Note: PunyisaLullaby requested a second part, so here it is! Thank you for requesting! (And I reread the first part and realised that I couldn't write romance back then. And I still can't write feelings and stuff now. Whoops.)

Pisces's POV
My mind was whirling. I couldn't sum up how I felt in a single word - Confused? Frustrated? Concerned? Shocked?

I cry out after him, but he's already long gone. I could hear whispers behind me from onlookers.

I rub at my eyes, refusing to let tears fall. Why am I crying? I berated myself. The whispers were growing louder - a mixture of confused murmurs and excited gossip. I turn away and refuse to let their whispers get to me.

I hear someone sprinting towards me. There were several grunts of "ow" and a loud "get out of the way!" and suddenly, someone was at my side.

"Stop staring: it's rude!" Cancer barks at the crowd, crossing her arms. The crowds immediately disperses under her fierce glare.

"Pisces! I heard -" she began.

"I'm fine," I mutter, discretely glancing over to where Scorpio had ran off to. Cancer follows my gaze and growls. "That... the little snake!" she growls. "How dare he take advantage of -"

I felt my throat constrict. "Cancer," I say quietly. Without saying anything else, I strode away, heading for one of the dark alleys by the school.

Cancer follows me, battering me with questions. I don't respond until we enter the alley, then I turn around.

"He didn't take advantage of me." I say in a monotone, forcing my emotions down again.

"Then what did he do to you?!" Cancer replied, clearly angry. "Did he blackmail you or something?! Everyone knows he's a bad influence on you; please tell me you aren't going to continue acting like nothing's happened!"

My bottled emotions can't take it. They explode outwards - tears finally fall; tears of anger and frustration. "Cancer, please, believe me!" I yell. "He's not a bad influence! He didn't take advantage of me! I liked it!"

Cancer froze.

"You... liked... the kiss?" she breathes softly.

I actually said that out loud?! Stupid Pisces, why did you do that?! I berate myself again, furiously wiping away tears from my eyes.

Cancer says nothing and turns away.

I can only stare at her back through glossy tears. No... not our friendship, too... my mind whispers.

"Pisces... I'm sorry." she finally says.

"What?!" Surprise flits through me and I look up - I hadn't realised I'd been staring at the floor.

"I... misunderstood you. I shouldn't have... rushed in and yelled at you." Cancer looks to the side, hiding her face behind her hair.

Relief and shame overwhelms my anger. "Cancer..."

I inhale softly, steadying my breathing. "Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm fine. Really. And... I'm sorry for yelling at you, too."

Cancer turns back towards me and chuckles softly. "Well... what sort of friend would I be if I didn't care for you?"

We stare at each other for a brief moment. A tiny smile flits across Cancer's face. "I think it'd be better if we talk later." she says, her eyes flickering behind me for a split second.

"Huh?" I ask, confused. Cancer smiles. "If you really meant what you said about... him, then..." Still smiling vaguely, she leaves the alley and disappears around the corner.

I'm too engrossed with my thoughts to call out after her. My mind works to decipher her message, but comes up with nothing.


I'm thrown back to that split second. His lips brushing against mine; fiery eyes gazing into mine, my hand against his forehead.

My cheeks heat up slightly. "Scorpio..." I say aloud. The silence that follows is deafening; all I can hear is my own breathing.

Then I hear something. I follow the noises; out of the alley, around the corner...


Scorpio's POV

I'm shaking without even realising it. Muffled noises echo down the alley and I realise they're my sobs.

Why am I crying?! I berate myself. She doesn't even like me anyways, it's not like I ever had a chance with her! She's Pisces - if she wanted to, she could get any guy she wanted. She wouldn't settle for some... coward that kissed her and ran away!

I wipe at my face with my sleeve. My cheeks are still warm; from anger or humiliation, I can't tell.

Scorpio, my mind screams at me. It sounds too much like her; I'm reminded of the moment where she called out after me, tears in her eyes -


I flinch again.

"Scorpio," the voice whispers. Someone touches my arm lightly and I react violently; with a start, I twist away and meet the gaze of whoever touched me.

My mouth is dry again. Pisces... She's probably here to laugh at me or scream at me or something - why her, why -

"I'm sorry," I snarl - my voice is harsher than I'd intended it to be. "I'm sorry for kissing you and running away like a coward and -" Why am I telling her this?!

I snap my mouth shut and turn away, not wanting to see the horror written on her face.

Everything is quiet - too quiet. She probably left me here - she's probably disgusted with me, but why wouldn't she?! I'm just a coward, a fool who thought he had the chance to -


Pisces' POV

I feel my heart break. He's shaking and shuddering, holding back sobs and gritting his teeth. Scorpio...

He's not looking at me. I wonder if it's a good idea; what if he -

I refuse to let my thoughts take over and let myself melt in the moment. I lean forwards and brush my lips against his tear stained cheeks.

He stops shaking and freezes.

I pull away - the sudden lack of moment terrified me. What if I'd done something wrong, what if he didn't actually -

"I'm sorry," I blurt out. "I don't blame you - I, you -"

He turns towards me, his dark eyes glossy and shining.

"Pisces..." he whispers. My voice sounds like velvet in his voice.

My breath catches in my throat and my cheeks grow warm again. I snap my eyes shut and lean forwards again.

My lips touch his.


Cancer stands at the end of the alley, a serene smile on her face.

Pisces... I'm glad you're happy. Maybe he isn't such a bad person after all.

I see Scorpio's eyes flicker over to me. I smirk and slip away before he can say anything else.


Pisces' POV

I want to heal you by loving you.


Scorpio's POV

Maybe loving... might not hurt, after all.

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