Snowball Fight

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As soon as Gemini woke up, he knew it was the perfect day to go out and have fun.

The sky was blue and the ground had been covered with freshly fallen snow. Of course, he had dragged everyone outside, whether they had wanted to or not.

So far, so good. For him, anyways. However, nobody seemed to be... having fun, by his standards. Cancer was building a snowman with Pisces, Sagittarius was... drinking? and Taurus was sleeping.

Gemini crouched down discreetly and made a snowball. He looked around for the perfect target - a smirk spread across his face as he pinpointed his target. He lifted his arm and threw.

Perfect shot. Scorpio immediately jumped up from... whatever he was doing and glowered at the closest person - Aries. "What do you think you're doing?!" he growled, eyes dark and angry.

"Nothing!" Aries snapped back. Scorpio responded with lifting whatever he had been working on - a baseball bat. Aries' eyes narrowed. "So it's a fight you want." she said, already creating a snowball.

She threw the snowball at Scorpio - it missed and hit Sagittarius in the face. He fell over backwards, slurring something like, "wHY am I hERe".

Scorpio responded with running after Aries with the bat in his hand. Gemini ducked behind a pile of snow with a grin. "Chaos - success." he said to himself, creating another snowball. He threw it at Aquarius; who reacted violently - he picked up a mound of snow in his arms and dumped it onto Leo.

Leo yelped at the sudden shock and scrambled away, yelling, "Y'all I win AQUARIUS STOP"

Gemini quickly scanned the perimeter. "Hey! Cancer! You'll be safer here, on my side." he called. Cancer frowned at him and abruptly attempted to hide behind a tree.

Virgo had managed to get herself caught in Aries' and Scorpio's war and had decided to join Scorpio's side. She was avoiding Aries' snowballs with surprising grace and had already created a neat stack of snowballs.

Libra had finally noticed the war that was going on and had picked up a couple of large leaves, trying to shield her face. She ended up tripping over Sagittarius, who hadn't gotten up from his position on the floor and was making snow angels.

"Guys, stop!" Pisces yelled, trying to be the peacemaker. She grabbed Virgo's arm and tried to drag her away from Scorpio, but was hit by one of Aries' snowballs. Virgo shook her off, yelling something about war.

Gemini made another attempt at calling Cancer over, but she had found another hiding place. Instead, he decided to throw a snowball at Capricorn.

Capricorn jumped when she was hit, but didn't react much aside from giving Gemini a death glare. Gemini smirked in reply and ran to another snow mound, already creating another snowball. Leo hit him in the shoulder with a snowball - he decided to turn his attention to Leo and hurled another snowball at him.

He missed and hit Aquarius, who had just dumped another pound of snow on Leo. Aquarius turned his attention to Gemini, but he was already running for his life; and laughing at the same time.

He felt a snowball whizz past his ear and hit the floor in front of him. He didn't turn around and threw himself behind a particularly large snow mound - and quite literally jumped on Taurus.

"Get out. I'm not here right now." Taurus whispered, looking around nervously. "Nope," Gemini replied, smirking. "You have to join in the fun!"

Taurus responded by shoving Gemini out from his snow mound. As soon as Gemini was revealed, Aquarius dumped a pound of snow on him.

Genini thought he heard Taurus chuckle, but his voice was soon lost in the chorus of yells and laughter.

Even though he was buried under a mound of snow, Gemini couldn't help but smile. After all, if he wasn't here, who would help his friends to loosen up a little and have fun?

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