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Author's Note: Sorry if you don't like the pets given to the zodiac signs, but I tried to give them pets that I thought would suit them. And sorry if your zodiac sign doesn't appear much.

Virgo heard her phone beep from her bedside table. She put down the book she had been reading with a yawn and glanced at the terrarium on her bedside table. Her pet leopard gecko stared back. "Hey, Mercury."

Her leopard gecko stared at her for a couple of seconds before retreating to its cave. Virgo smiled slightly at its behaviour then picked up her phone, which was resting just next to the terrarium. She opened the most recent message from Gemini.

Hey guys! Since its the weekend and stuff, I'm inviting you all to my house for a party! But it's not just any party - you're going to have to bring your pets! I know you all have pets - don't you dare show up without one. I can't wait to see your adorable and fuzzy animals! - Gemini

Virgo glanced back at Mercury, quietly pondering Gemini's message. Just at that moment, her phone beeped again.

Hey Virgo! I can't wait to see you and Mercury at Gemini's party! I can't wait to see your adorable leopard gecko again! - Taurus

Well, that decided for her. Virgo got out of bed and looked at Mercury with a smile. "I guess we're going to Gemini's house."


Virgo arrived early as usual. Gemini greeted her with a beaming grin and a parrot on her shoulder. "Virgo! I'm glad to see you came!" she exclaimed, glancing down at the portable terrarium Virgo was carrying. "And I can't wait to see who've you've brought!"

As Gemini let Virgo into her house, she added, "Oh, yeah, and Gem can talk. I hope it doesn't -" The parrot on Gemini's shoulder flapped its wings and squawked, "Ruffle your feathers!"

Gemini burst into laughter. "Sorry, I had to do that." Virgo rolled her eyes, even though she was slightly amused at the parrot's antics. "You taught your parrot to... say puns? If you're going to do that, at least teach them something better."

Gemini smirked and playfully slapped Virgo's arm. "Like your... pet can speak. Speaking of which, what's their name?"

"Mercury." Virgo replied, putting the terrarium on the table. "And try not to shake their terrarium too much. They're shy."

Gemini gave her thumbs up in response and spun around to greet her newest arrival; Taurus, who was also carrying a portable terrarium. Virgo watched quietly as Taurus chuckled at the parrot's latest pun and entered the house.

"Hey! Virgo! Is Mercury doing okay?" he asked, sitting down on the couch next to Virgo. "They're doing fine. A little bolder and she also shed her skin pretty recently. I might have a few photos on my phone if you want."

Taurus grinned. "Sure!" Virgo passed her phone over to him and Taurus began to scroll through the pictures of Mercury. Virgo left him to the task and leaned over to peer at Taurus's terrarium. "Is Venus doing okay?" she asked, squinting at the turtle paddling around in the water. The turtle noticed Virgo and swam over, watching Virgo curiously.

"Yeah, she's doing fine." Taurus said, engrossed in his task. "Aw... when was this taken? Two months ago? I can't believe Mercury grew so much!" Virgo nodded in agreement. "I made sure to feed them regularly. I've also kept a book on them to see how healthy they were... I checked their weight every week to see if they were eating well."

Taurus chuckled and passed Virgo's phone back to her. "Only you would do something like that." he chuckled, peering at Mercury. "Can I pick her up?"

"Pick her up...? Oh, sure." Virgo replied, slightly distracted by Gemini's newest visitors. Taurus grinned and scooped Mercury carefully into his hand. "Who's a pretty lizard, now? Hmm? Who is it?" Mercury blinked and licked the tip of Taurus's finger. "Aw, look at them... they're so cute!"

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