Cancer (f) X Scorpio (m): New Years Party

478 16 12

Requested by Broken_Lunar

Thank you so much for requesting! I really enjoyed writing this! (Sorry it's so late - I had writer's block for a while)

Cancer - female
Scorpio - male
Pisces - female
Aries - male
Sagittarius - male
Leo - female
Taurus - male
Virgo - female
Capricorn - female
Gemini - female
Libra - male
Aquarius - male


"It's been so long ever since we've all gotten together like this." Cancer commented, looking around eagerly.

Scorpio, her boyfriend, chuckled and ruffled her hair. "It is. I actually miss getting into mischief with the gang - not that I'd admit or anything."

The two stepped in and closed the door behind them. Pisces bounced over with a glass of fruit punch in her hand. "We've been waiting for you guys to arrive!" She exclaimed. "How's your relationship? Have you kissed yet? What -"

Cancer nudged her friend back a step. "Hey, Pi! Well, it's been going well, and, uh, not yet..."

A mischievous smile crossed Pisces' face for a second. "Really? Well, you're -"

"Pisces!" Taurus yelped, sprinting over and nearly knocking the girl over. "How about... you, uh, help me with, uh..."

"Right! The food!" Pisces snapped her fingers and winked at the couple. "I'll just, haha, leave you be..." She waved cheerfully and let herself be led away by Taurus.

"Huh. She's acting weird." Scorpio remarked, watching the two leave. Cancer shook her head and giggled. "Come on! It's Pisces. She's always weird. Heck, we're weird!"

"Hm." Scorpio shrugged. "How about we put down our stuff first? Then we can go and get food... and catch up with everyone, I guess."

As if responding to him, Aries and Sagittarius immediately hurried over. "Scorp! Cancer!" The two chorused.

"You two go and catch up. We'll take your bags for you." Aries offered.

"And your coats...?" Sagittarius added, holding out a hand.

"Don't do anything weird with them, alright?" Scorpio warned, removing his coat and handing it to them.

"We won't!" Sagittarius exclaimed, gathering their two coats. "We'll just leave them in Pisces' spare room."

Aries nodded. "Otherwise Pisces will kill us," he mumbled, just loud enough for the three to hear.

"Wait, what??" Cancer asked, squinting at the two.

"Uh, nothing. Bye!" The two fire signs sprinted away, laughing nervously. The two water signs watched them bound up the stairs. "You sure there isn't something in the air?" Scorpio muttered.

Cancer shrugged. "Maybe. Anyways, let's go get some food!" She tugged on Scorpio's arm, gazing longingly at the food table.

Scorpio's eyes softened at his girlfriend's behaviour. "Alright." He said, allowing her to pull him towards the food.

As the two approached the table, they were quickly approached by Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. "Hey, lovebirds!" Aquarius crowed, practically bouncing over to the two water signs.

"Long time no see!" Libra smiled and took a sip from his drink. "The punch is pretty good. I heard Taurus made it himself."

"Spiked?" Scorpio asked, glancing not-too-discreetly at the group of fire signs, who were gathered by the television and laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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