At the Movies - Gender Swap

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Author's Note: Every few chapters, I'll probably have a special 'gender swap' chapter where all the signs in this story will swap genders for the chapter so everyone can read their favorite sign as their preferred gender. I hope this isn't too confusing - the scenarios will be written the same and all, only the genders will be changed for the chapter. The next few chapters it'll be back to normal until there's another gender swap chapter. Also, feel free to request stuff like shippings and scenarios.

Here are the gender swapped characters if you're wondering:

Aries - male
Taurus - female
Gemini - female

Cancer - male
Leo - female
Virgo - male

Libra - male

Scorpio - female

Sagittarius - female

Capricorn - male

Aquarius - female

Pisces - male

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It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining, flowers were blooming - but of course, the signs insisted to hang out indoors. This time, Pisces picked the activity - he had chosen to go to the cinema to watch one of the latest movies, which was promised to be "really entertaining".

"Let's get popcorn." Taurus had offered as they entered the cinema. "Let's get jumbo - we can all share." she had hurried off to buy the popcorn without even waiting for a response.

"Typical Taurus." Virgo had sighed, shaking his head. "I'll fetch her then we can enter."

After a few minutes, the two had returned with a huge box of popcorn. "Alright, let's go."

Now, they were sitting at the back of the cinema, halfway through the movie. Aries had taken about a quarter from Taurus' box of popcorn before being caught and was now sitting next to Aquarius with a bag of popcorn.

"- so that guy backstabs her - literally - and she dies, but -"

"SHUT UP GEMINI!" Aries yelled at Gemini, who was sitting behind Pisces and trying to tell him all the spoilers. Pisces had wisely ignored her and was intently watching the movie, sniffling as one of the actors tripped and fell over.

"H-he -" Pisces whimpered as one of the other characters stabbed them in the back with a knife. He burst into tears and looked away, unable to watch the character dying. Capricorn, who was sitting next to him, handed out another tissue without even looking at Pisces.

"YEEEAH! GO! STAB THEM! KILL THEM! RIP THEM FROM LIMB TO LIMB AND FEED THEM TO THE CROWS!" Scorpio yelled, surprisingly enthusiastic. This earned her another angry glare from Aries, which she ignored.

Cancer was clinging to Taurus' arm, sniffling as well when Pisces began crying. There was a little mountain of popcorn next to Taurus' seat where Cancer had shaken Taurus' arm so hard that the popcorn had spilt, but Taurus appeared oblivious to everything and was still eating her popcorn.

"How can you two be crying already?" Aquarius questioned. "It's not that bad." She sighed and turned back to Sagittarius, who had pointed out another mistake in the movie. "Yeah, I know, but did you just see that? You could see the shadow of the camera in the background - they forgot to remove it."

"Or they just totally wanted to have that bit of random shadow peeking out from the side because it looked... really good." Sagittarius replied sarcastically - however, she was interrupted by another movie mistake. "Did you just see that?! That was so obvious - how could they have not noticed that during editing?!"

Libra leaned back in his seat and squinted at the movie. "Oh, her? She's kinda cute, but I heard in real life, she's really mean."

"Really? One of her friends wrote a entire post on how kind she was only last week." Virgo pointed out with his phone in his hand. He surprisingly hadn't been caught - yet.

"AH!" Cancer suddenly screeched as a dark figure appeared on the screen. Leo rolled her eyes and threw another piece of popcorn at the back of Scorpio's head. "Stop being so jumpy, Cancer. It's just a movie." she said, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

"I know... but the actors make it look so real..." Cancer muttered, closing his fingers around Taurus' arm as a scream rung out through the speakers.

"It's so sad how she died right before he was going to tell her he loved her." Pisces said, dabbing at his eyes with a tissue.


There was a flash of red on the screen, then the movie ended to reveal the credits. "Come on, really? At a cliffhanger?" Capricorn complained as the lights turned on.

Libra blinked rapidly to adjust his eyes to the light. "The movie itself was... sort of interesting, though."

"But it was stuffed to the brim with movie mistakes." Sagittarius complained. Aquarius nodded in agreement. "Did they even hire editors?"

"Taurus? It's time to go." Aries gave Taurus a rough shove, which knocked the box of popcorn out of her hands and onto the floor.

"I HADN'T FINISHED!" Taurus yelped with surprise. "WHY DID YOU WASTE A PERFECTLY GOOD BOX OF POPCORN - oh, the movie's ended. BUT STILL."

"The movie was so sad! But it was really scary, too..." Cancer said quietly. "I... uh... I think I forgot to read the genre... I only read the comments. But... it's still really emotional... and the actors are really good..."

Gemini grinned. "I told you this movie was really good," she said, giving Pisces' shoulder a nudge. "Yeah, and you." he said. "But why didn't you mention it was a horror movie?"

"It was scary? Really? There was only -" Scorpio butted in. "It could have been bloodier. And more death. And did you see the evil villain? The actor's really good -"

"Um, guys? You're blocking up the corridor." Capricorn called from somewhere behind them. "Can you get a move on?"

The twelve friends headed out of the cinema (while chatting and keeping the rest of the people waiting) and into the sunlight.

"Well... That was fun! I suggest we go paintballing next!" Aries offered as they headed for their car. "PAINTBALL WAR!" he imitated holding a gun and shooting it into Leo's face. 

Leo jumped with surprise and kicked him in the leg. "You only surprised me," she grumbled, crossing her arms. However, her eyes lit up as she considered the idea. "Paintballing does sound pretty cool, actually. Guys, what do you think?"

Author's Note: Do you want a chapter on paintballing? Remember, you can request scenarios and shippings too.

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