Libra (f) X Aquarius (m): Candlelit Dinner

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Author's Note: Someone kindly pointed out that I may have forgotten to include Libra in the chapter "College Roommates". Oops. What a terrible start. That is why this chapter is here - to make up for it! I'll be using this ship because I have no ideas for good ships with Libra and because I have no requests. This is based off a prompt I saw on Tumblr which I really liked.
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Libra clutched Aquarius' hand a little tighter and sighed happily as the couple in the movie gazed dreamily into each other's eyes at a candlelit dinner.
"This is sooo romantic!" Libra squealed, which earned her a soft chuckle from Aquarius. "This reminds me of something - our second year anniversary of us being together is tomorrow. What do you want to do?"
Libra let out a little gasp. "I - um -" She had forgotten about it, being distracted by the date Aquarius had planned today. Suddenly, she had the perfect plan.
"It's a surprise," Libra said, giving Aquarius a quick peck on the cheek.
"Really?" He chuckled, his voice sending a warm tingle through Libra's body. "You know how you are with secrets."
Libra blushed slightly. "I promise, it's a surprise!" She said. "I can keep secrets, you know."
Aquarius laughed - not in a mean or mocking way, but that special way of his which made you know he was only joking and trying to make you laugh.
"I can!" Libra said, pouting playfully as she tugged on his sleeve.
"Alright, then. Where and when do you want to meet up tomorrow?"
Libra smiled. "Just come to my house at eight. I've got the surprise waiting for you."

After the movie, Aquarius escorted Libra to her home, chatting all the way.
"See you tomorrow, okay?" Aquarius said, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
"I'll be there." Libra said softly, her fingers reaching up to play with Aquarius' soft, silky hair.
"Stay safe." Aquarius said, smiling sweetly at her before turning around and heading for his house.
"Love you!" Libra called, waving at him. He turned to wave back. "Love ya too!"

Libra woke up early the next morning, tingling from that kiss. "Time to prepare." She said, smiling as she imagined how it would go.
She would invite Aquarius inside. He would be amazed by the amount she put into this - a white tablecloth would be on the table, there would be a vase of flowers - it would be so romantic. Then they would eat and share a long, passionate kiss and - she couldn't wait for him to arrive!

Libra paced in front of the door. She had chosen to wear a fancy red dress and had sent Aquarius a short, simple text - "come dressed in fancy clothes :)" and he had replied with a string of heart emojis.
She glanced back at the table she had set up. It didn't look... right, for some reason. Had she forgotten anything?
The glass vase sat in the middle of the table, filled with roses. She had cooked up a range of food just waiting in the kitchen. The white tablecloth was in place.
She tried to recall the romantic dinner scene in the movie. Flowers, check. Food, check. Tablecloth, check. Candles - wait.
She turned back to the table. She had planned a romantic candlelit dinner - without candles?! She'd messed up big - and Aquarius was due to come -
The bell rung. "Shoot." Libra whispered, looking around wildly. "W - wait a sec!" She called, spinning around and rushing to her room. She dug through the boxes under her bed that contained random stuff - how could she have forgotten to buy candles?!
She tossed aside a rubber duck and her fingers closed around something.
She pulled them out - candles! Yes! But quickly realised these were the ones little kids used at parties. And that this one was already used. She could almost feel Aquarius waiting patiently by the door.
No time to find more. She gritted her teeth. We'll have to do with these. She noticed an electric tea light had fallen to the floor in her rush to find candles and decided to pick them up.
She rushed into the living room, switching off the lights and putting everything in place.
"Coming!" She called, rushing for the door. She pulled it open. "Sorry for keeping you waiting -"
She stopped talking and gapped at Aquarius. He looked absolutely stunning in his tuxedo, and -
Aquarius smiled slightly bashfully when he noticed her staring. "Like what you see?" He said playfully. This earned him a deep blush from Libra. "By the way, you look stunning in that dress. Red really brings out the colour of your eyes."
"T-thanks." Libra stuttered, trying to keep her cool. After all, this was her house, and she had promised him a surprise... Except it hadn't turned out... You know.
"I'm excited to see your surprise." Aquarius said, as if reading her mind. "Would you mind... You know..."
"Oh, yeah. Of course..." Libra said, blushing with embarrassment. "But it, uh..."
Aquarius had already stepped past her. "Whoa. You did all of this... For..."
"Yeah, but -"
She was interrupted by Aquarius giving her a gentle peck on the lips. "Let's sit down, okay?" He said, taking her arm.
They sat down at the table Libra had set up and gazed at each other awkwardly over the candles. Libra chuckled awkwardly and glanced down at the flickering electric tea light.
"Um... I kinda messed up our anniversary date, and I forgot to -"
Aquarius smiled. "I love it."
"I love it because it's made by you, and there's nobody else I want by my side..." He gave Libra a small smile. "Libra, you're beautiful in every single way and I love you. Whatever you do, it's not going to change what I think of you."
Libra's breath hitched in her throat. "I - I love you too, Aqua."
She leaned forwards slowly, her heart beating rapidly, a blush forming on her cheeks as she realised how close she was to his face and -
Aquarius leaned forwards and kissed her passionately.
Libra's face flushed bright red as she returned the kiss.
After what seemed like hours, yet also seconds, they parted.
"Thank you." Aquarius said warmly, "for making our anniversary the best so far."
"No," Libra whispered, "thank you for accepting me. And loving me." She leaned forwards and kissed him again.
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Author's Note: I ran out of ideas halfway... And wrote this on a mobile device. I hope you, as the readers, like it!

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