Friendship (Leo, Sag, Scorpio, Pisces, Aqua, Gem, Cap and Taurus)

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Requested by @Piper-ces

I really enjoyed writing this one! I hope you like it! (P.S. I know you requested a 'short', but I couldn't help it - I really liked writing this one!)


"We're not teenaged girls," Scorpio grumbled. "I don't understand why we're even doing this."

"Come on, Scorpy!" Leo slung an arm around Scorpio's shoulder, grinning. "We haven't had a sleepover in ages. Plus, it's not a 'girly' thing to do - we don't have to sit in a circle and paint each others' nails," Leo smirked at this, "unless you want to."

"First, don't call me 'Scorpy'," Scorpio muttered, pushing Leo's arm off his shoulder. "And second, what did you mean by the last comment?"

Sagittarius chuckled. "Just ignore Leo. Anyways, we all agreed to this. Even you." Sagittarius sighed. "Pity the others couldn't come."

"I bet they're out doing something together anyways," Aquarius replied. "They must've been planning it for ages to have declined our invitation."

"Hopefully we don't have to bail them out of jail again." Pisces joked. "Anyways, now that we're here, what do we do?"

"We have at least six hours," Capricorn offered, checking his watch. "It's four thirty right now..."

Taurus burst into laughter. "You actually thought we'd go to bed at ten thirty?" Taurus grinned at Capricorn. "Seriously, Cap, you need to loosen up a bit - it's the weekend and there's no consequence for staying up all night!"

Gemini smiled and rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "And we can build pillow forts and have a midnight prank war!"

"Sounds fun!" Sagittarius exclaimed. "But we should leave the best for last. What should we do first?"

"Hide and seek!" Leo exclaimed. "Just put down your stuff inside my room." Leo sprinted away without even waiting for anyone to respond.

"Well... looks like he's deicded for us." Aquarius shrugged. "Might as well."


The eight zodiacs stood inside the rather large living room.

"Alright, the rules." Capricorn announced. "We can only hide inside and outside of Leo's house, but we can't go beyond that. Otherwise, everywhere is free range."

"Alright, who's going to be seeker?" Pisces asked.

"Let's use one of those online random generators," Taurus offered, pulling out his phone. He input their names and pressed the 'GENERATE' button.

"Pisces," he announced, holding up his phone.

"I can't wait!" Pisces exclaimed, turning away and covering his eyes. "I'll give you a minute - go and hide!"

Everyone immediately took off in different directions as soon as Pisces started to count.


"Ready or not, here I come!" Pisces called as he uncovered his eyes. He scanned the living room - nothing.

He headed into the hallway and entered the nearest room. He gave it a quick scan - it was rather dark, with only one window. There was a washing machine and a basket of laundry.

He opened the washing machine - it was empty. He frowned and made to head outside.

His foot hit the laundry basket, which knocked it over. "Oops," Pisces began, reaching to pick up the fallen laundry.

"Ow!" someone exclaimed as they rolled out.

"Uh, found you!" Pisces exclaimed, reaching over to help them up.

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