Friendship - Part 2 (Aries, Cancer, Virgo and Libra)

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Author's Note: They will all be males as well to match the previous part of this story.

It'd all started with a rather pleasant morning.

Aries had exited his room and nearly bumped into an overexcited Cancer.

"Aries! You're exactly the person I was looking for!" Cancer exclaimed. "I was planning a day out and I wanted to invite you!"

"Me?" Aries echoed, slightly surprised. "But... we're not particularly close. Why me?"

Cancer smiled. "That's exactly what I'm looking for. I wanted to... plan a day out with people I'm not close with so we can become closer!"

"That's... interesting." Aries said carefully.

Cancer, clearly sensing that Aries seemed reluctant, held up a flyer in front of his face. "I was planning on doing something that each person would enjoy...?" he offered. "This Saturday, if you're interested...?"

A smile spread across Aries' face as he read the flyer. "Well... I can't resist that. Alright, I'll come, but one question - who else is coming?"

Cancer grinned. "Well, that's for me to know and you to find out! I can't wait to see you on the day - let's meet in the living room on Saturday, 8:00, so we can set off together!"


Virgo checked his watch again.


He'd arrived early at Cancer's house, just in case. On his back was a bag full of objects he'd decided to bring (just in case, as well, since Cancer hadn't told him what they'd be doing on the day) - a set of clothes, a jacket, his phone and charger, some homemade soap (for no reason) and a series of other miscellaneous objects.

Virgo took another bite of his sandwich just as he heard footsteps thudding up from behind him.

"Virgo! So Cancer invited you, too?" Libra asked.

"Yes, he did." Virgo replied simply, checking his watch again.

"I wonder who else he invited..." Libra said. "He said that he'd planned out an activity of each of us."

"Did he tell you the activity he planned for you?" Virgo asked, slightly curious.

"He told me it had something to do with -"

"No spoilers, Libra." Cancer opened the door, smiling mysteriously.

"Aww. Why?" Libra asked.

Cancer chuckled. "I want to make this a bit of a surprise. Makes it more fun, you know?" Cancer checked the time. "Hmm. Aries should be here at any moment now..."

As if on cue, Aries sprinted up to Cancer's house and waved. "Here I am!" he said, grinning. "So...." He looked around at the other two zodiacs. "You invited Libra and Virgo, huh?"

"I wanted someone from every element to give us all a chance at experiencing something new!" Cancer replied cheerfully. "Anyways, did you all pack what I asked you to pack?"

Virgo and Libra nodded. Aries gave Cancer the thumbs up.

"I'm slightly disappointed we couldn't attend their sleepover, but I assume you've been planning this for a quite a while." Libra said. "I'm sure we'll have a great time, though!"

Cancer smiled. "I'm sure you will. Anyways, I'll be driving you to our first destination!" Cancer led them to his car and opened the doors for them. "Let's go!"


"This is my place!" Aries whooped with delight as he jumped out of the car.

"Paintball? Are you sure we can play with only four people?" Virgo asked, exiting the car as well.

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