Bank Robbery - Gender Swap

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Author's Note: They are not robbing the bank, they're the workers in the bank during a bank robbery. Just to make that clear.

Cancer was the first to notice the soft whirring of car wheels outside the bank in the middle of the night. Of course, he immediately grew suspicious as - well, not many people would just walk into the bank at midnight to pick up some cash, right?

He heard the doors creak open. He pressed himself against a wall, searching for a weapon to use in case -

Cancer gulped as he felt something press against his neck. "Give us the money." Someone whispered against his ear. "And if you scream, you're dead."

Cancer stood completely still, his eyes darting around nervously for someone.

He heard the gun click. Cancer finally spoke. "I... Okay." he said nervously. He felt someone roughly nudge him and he took this as a sign to start moving. Cancer kept his hands up as he slowly walked towards the vault. He opened it and slowly pulled out a pouch.

"Okay guys, here's the money; this is all we have." he stuttered. He heard the robbers muttering among themselves and hoped that they weren't planning to kill him.

One of the robbers snatched the pouch away from him - just as Libra turned the corner. He immediately processed what was going on and yelled, "CANCER, THAT'S MY WALLET!"

Then everything burst into chaos. The other ten workers at the bank (not including Cancer himself and Libra) immediately burst into action.

Cancer felt a knife whistle past his ear. He jumped - and felt the gun at his neck fall. "AW YES, I HIT ONE!" Aries yelled, pulling a knife out of his bag. Why did he have knives anyways?

It didn't matter anyways. Cancer kicked the nearest guy and darted away from the robbers, who were already spreading out through the bank and lifting guns. Still stumbling backwards, he managed to duck behind the counter to collect his thoughts.

"Taurus, my leg is stuck, please help me!" Gemini called. Taurus answered with a "GEMINI SHHHH" - a little too loudly for someone trying to shush someone else. "Taurus, get out from under the counter and help us." Cancer hissed, finally picking up a nearby chair.

Taurus buried herself further under the desk. Cancer managed to get up, still clutching the chair, and got knocked over by Leo. Leo was running around the bank screaming, "Hey robbers try to catch me LOSERS YOU MISSED HA - ow."

"LEOOOO STOP IT YOU'RE GOING TO GET IN ARIES' WAY AND DIE" Virgo yelled. Leo responded by mumbling something that sounded like, "I'm fine," and getting to her feet. "Leo, get down!" Cancer yelped, pushing the female over and narrowly avoiding a bullet.

Cancer found himself back to back with Virgo, who was fending off a robber with a broken table leg. "Hey," Cancer said, trying to regain his breath as he swung his chair blindly. He heard a muffled "ow" and a gun clattered away from the figure's hand.

Virgo snatched it up. "Let's try to disable them before trying to actually hurt them. Our best chances of surviving this is to scare them off and calling the police."

Cancer nodded. "Okay, Virgo." he said. "I'll leave you to handle this." Cancer left the male to his own business and ran for the nearest person - Scorpio. She had her back to him and seemed to be facing a black-eyed robber.

"Yoooo, Danny, is that you? So this is what you're up to? Robbing banks? Cool! I wish I could rob one, but I'd probably get fired if I do, and I need the money -"

The robber she had been talking to was knocked over by Capricorn, who was using a lamp and a pencil as a weapon. "Scorpio, do not befriend the robbers," he said, clearly out of breath. Scorpio rolled her eyes in response, but Capricorn was already turning to face Cancer.

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