The Signs as Ghosts

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Author's Note: Why do I even write these. 

Night fell over the currently peaceful town of Zodiax.

"Not so peaceful anymore, huh?" Scorpio mumbled, floating across the street. He was a ghost - of course he hadn't been born this way, but he didn't remember how he'd become a ghost in the first place. His 'friends' - well, they weren't really his friends, more like fellow ghosts that haunted the town.

Speaking of which, his 'fellow ghosts' were currently out and about doing whatever they usually did. Scorpio checked his mental schedule - he had planned to hunt for people that did him wrong, but he had done that for the last few days and frankly, he was bored.

"Hey Aries." Scorpio announced, stopping by a house. There was another bout of demonic screaming that quite literally shattered the windows.

Scorpio sighed and entered the house through a wall. "Aries?" he called. "Can you shut up?"

The demonic screaming continued. Scorpio sighed and ascended the stairs, searching for Aries.

"Hello mister?" a soft, childish voice whispered. Scorpio glanced down to see a small child - probably five or six years old - clutching a teddy bear.

"Don't even think about it." Someone announced. Cancer appeared behind the small child and crossed her arms.

"Hmph." Scorpio grumbled, rolling his eyes. "I wasn't going to do anything to her."

Cancer simply glowered at him. "She's a good child. Oh, and can you get Aries to leave? She's scaring Bethany here."

Scorpio grunted in response and floated past her.

"Aries!" he yelled, opening a door. The closet rattled in response and Aries shrieked again.

"Cancer tells you to shut up and go away." he added, stopping in front of a closet. "You know how it is with Cancer."

A female ghost exited the closet. "Hmph, Scorpio. I thought you were out of town chasing... hm, who was it? Mr Ford?"

"Mr Gerald, actually. He fired me from my job when I was... you know, mortal. He said that I was 'scaring' all the customers."

Aries giggled. "Oh, him. You vented about him for months! What, is he back in town?"

Scorpio sighed. "No, unfortunately. I was bored, then Cancer told me to pass this message to you."

Aries sighed. "Aw, ruining all the fun. Alright, fine. I'll leave - oh, if you see Leo, can you tell him that I'm going to kill him for pranking me?"

"No." Scorpio replied, floating past Aries. "I don't care."

"Thanks!" Aries replied, ignoring what he'd just said.

Scorpio entered the next house and stopped next to the passive-looking mug on the tabletop. "Taurus, what are you doing here?"

"Sleeping." A voice replied. "Please go away and bug Gemini instead. She keeps on trying to knock me over."

As if responding to what Taurus had just said, there was a sharp screeching noise and something shattered. "There she is..." Taurus mumbled. "Go away, Scorpio."

Scorpio floated past Taurus. Gemini flew down the stairs and scraped her nails against the wall, cackling maniacally.

"Shh." Taurus murmured, then the mug stopped moving.

"Hi, Scorpy!" Gemini greeted him. "I didn't see you there!"

"Whatever. Taurus tells you to shut up." Scorpio replied, already making to leave.

"Aw, don't leave! You just came here!" Gemini pouted, but Scorpio ignored her and exited the house.

Leo was just outside the house. He floated over a rather large group of teenagers and laughed as he plucked objects from their bags and shattered them against the ground.

"Aries wants to kill you." Scorpio grumbled, floating past Leo. "Hey man! You should join me!" Leo called, waving at Scorpio. "You should tell Aries - oh my Zodiax! Is that a CHILD?!"

Leo flew away. Scorpio chuckled softly. "Hmm. Leo's weakness is... children."

He entered the house opposite to see Virgo floating around and rearranging the furniture. "This is the seventh time you came here." Scorpio pointed out, watching the ghost shoot from one side of the living room to another.

"Yes, I know! But their house is so messy!" She fretted, shifting a vase a centimeter to the left. "They have no idea how to decorate a house well! And Libra keeps on drawing on the mirror with lipstick!"

"And why should I care?" Scorpio muttered, already halfway out the wall. "Because you do!" Virgo replied, not turning around.

Scorpio hesitated for a second, then slowly floated up the stairs. "Virgo tells you to stop!" he called.

"But these humans are so... fun!" Libra exclaimed, poking her head through a wall. "And those... children love trying to find me! It's just... fun!"

"I already gave you the message. I'm leaving." Scorpio replied, gliding out of the house. He entered the neighbouring house to see the living room on fire and a person stumbling around.

"Aquarius?" he asked, landing in front of the person. "Aww. How did you know?" Aquarius's voice came out from the person's mouth.

"I do." Scorpio replied, smirking slightly. "Why do you like possessing humans? Their bodies are weak and pathetic."

"Because it's fun!" Aquarius laughed and forced the human to slap himself in the face. "Oh, Sagittarius! You missed that corner!" The human's arm snapped upwards and pointed at a corner of the room.

Sagittarius flew over and set the corner of the house on fire. "Happy now?" he asked, chuckling as he watched Aquarius possessing the human.

"Yes!" Aquarius yelled, clapping.

Scorpio rolled his eyes. "You two are so childish." he muttered, floating past them.

He left the two ghosts to their troublemaking and entered the next house. A female ghost was floating in the middle of a circle of Oreos and yarn.

"Hmm... is this how it's done? How do I summon... oh, hello, Scorpio." Capricorn looked up from her 'summoning'.

"Hmm." Scorpio simply said, floating over to analyse her circle. He leaned down and shifted a few pieces of yarn. "Try this." He said, before exiting the house.

Outside, a little girl was skipping along the street. Next to her, another little girl walked beside her - the only difference was that the second child was a ghost.

"Hello, Pisces." Scorpio said, allowing a smile to cross his face. The second girl turned around and a huge grin crossed her face. "Scorpy!" she said cheerfully.

The human girl turned around. "Huh? What'cha looking at? You're my best friend, Pi-Pi, tell me!"

Pisces simply giggled. She gestured with her finger - Scorpio floated closer. For some strange reason, he had a particular fondness for Pisces - maybe because she always looked like an innocent child.

Pisces leaned over and giggled, before whispering into his ear, "I think Mr Gerald just came back to town. I'd love to see what you do with him."

Still giggling, Pisces dragged the mortal girl away, despite the human's protests.

Scorpio smirked as he watched them leave. "Thanks, Pisces." he called softly, before floating down the street. "I'm coming for you, Mr Gerald." he said softly.

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