Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! Before I start this book I just want to warn you of some things.
Sexual Content
Mature content
Other than that I hope you enjoy the book!
~ Started October 2016 ~

Emily's POV

Sure, I've been hurt time and time again by the same guy. You can't judge me though..he was stunning. He was basically what every girl could possibly ever want. Tall, brown eyes, brown hair and a smile that could light up the entire earth in my eyes. I just wish I wasn't so stupid to let his flawlessness destroy and break me because every time he hurt me I'd still go running back and I hated myself for that.

Not like physically hurt me..much worse. He hurt me with his words. But today is the day i left him and I'm proud I'm even saying this. Time to start my new life. Away from all the drama and bullshit and most of all - no annoying little boys to ruin my mood.

I grew up in a little town called Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland. I went to nursery, primary school and then eventually high school. Best years of your life? Bullshit.

The only thing that matters in Belfast is wether you're a Protestant or a catholic. Growing up a Protestant in Northern Ireland is not a good thing but also a good thing in many ways. Children and men and women of all ages getting dragged up an alley late at night or maybe even in the day of light for being a certain religion.

As I grew up and got out of high school I knew what I had to do. I had to get out of Northern Ireland and start my new life. I moved to my favourite place in the entire world. Scotland. Particularly Ayrshire. And right now, I couldn't be happier. Why did I move? Well in the future I wanted kids and I just simply couldn't have them being brought up by sectarian little cunts in Ireland.

It gets lonely living in a 3 bedroom house on your own but hey, atleast the houses are nice.

It was my 21st birthday yesterday and I went out with a few friends for drinks yesterday at our local.

Right now I'm sitting on my living room floor petting my little Yorkshire Terrier Cindy by the fire on a cold winters night while opening some presents that had been sent over from a few of my old mates from Northern Ireland.

The fire cracked and lit up my face as orange as a pumpkin. The wind outside was whistling and the rain was banging on my window almost like hailstones. Every once in a while Cindy would look up to check no one was outside.

I came across a small brown letter that had the words:

To Natalie from Mum and dad x

I hadn't spoke to my parents In a while as I was busy at home with work. My jobs interesting but sometimes it gets boring. I'm a chef. Always dreamed of being one since a kid.

I slowly opened the letter and before seeing what was inside I took the small all white piece of paper from the envelope and started the read the words hand written in my mothers handwriting.

Happy birthday! Sorry if this arrives late, hopefully it doesn't. I know how much you enjoy youtube and how you always loved Zoella inperticularly as a teenager so I decided to get you these.

I set the letter to my side before reaching into the brown envelope that smelled like home. Scented candles and the smell of my mothers perfume.

I almost started crying at the thought of what my eyes have just seen. 2 tickets to Summer in the city 2016.

They were for next Saturday. Today was Thursday. All my favourite YouTubers were gonna be there!

I also know who I should most definitely bring with me. My bestfriend Natalie. She has long dark brown hair that is just so shiney and has the hair that every girl wants. She has chestnut brown eyes and has 2 sides..she loves to play football but also loves to dress up and get her hair, nails and makeup done and go out partying. She's so pretty I adore her and she's just always been there for me, really.

It was a dream of ours to move to Scotland when we were kids and now we have forfilled it. Although we don't live in the same house, she's just right next door.

I instantly packed up the letters as fast as I could making sure to leave the tickets out before shoving the letters and presents away in my bedroom before grabbing my coat and putting the lead on Cindy and heading out into the dark, gloomy winters night.

Sure we were only going next door to Natalie's but Cindy runs off every chance she gets.

I didn't bother knocking on the door I just barged in and ran into Natalie's living room to see Natalie sitting on her sofa watching tv with her little shitzu Molly on her lap.

Natalie's chestnut hair was wrapped messily in a bun and she was in a purple and pink onesie watching Eastenders.

Molly instantly jumped off Natalie's lap and I let Cindy off her lead to go run around the house together. This caused Natalie to turn around and smile at me.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked, flicking the tv off.

I didn't even need to say anything I just help up the tickets. "Wanna go? My mum and dad sent them over," I said, sitting down beside her on her sofa.

"WHAT! OF COURSE ILL COME!" She squealed, hugging me tightly.

"Hoe do you say we go shopping tomorrow morning for clothes and stuff?" I asked, handing her her ticket.

"Yes! A mega clothes shopping spree needs to be done!" She said, happily.

"Great!" I said, smiling at her before embracing her in a hug once again.

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