Chapter 14

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• Natalie's POV •

When I woke up this morning, I was in my room. Harry was asleep beside me and across the room Emily was asleep with Simon.

I instantly remembered last night and quickly got up, being careful not to wake up Harry.

I quickly got a shower and brushes my teeth before putting my hair into a messy bun and then heading out to the local pharmacy.

I went in and bought a few things. Medicine and tablets for headaches, pregnancy test. Well, Harry did spunk up me last night so what do you expect?

Worst thing is, we've only been going out a day.

I hurriedly headed home and went straight to the bathroom. I was so scared. I was only 21 years old! I didn't want kids until later on in life, you know, after marriage and such.

I was currently sitting waiting for the pregnancy tests results and I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

What if Harry didn't love me? Said a voice in the back of my mind. What if e didn't want me, or if there was a baby then what if he didn't want it? There was no way on this earth I'd get an abortion or take the morning after pill. I just don't support it. Killing something as innocent as a foetus that didn't ask to be conceived is wrong. My opinion.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door before a voice spoke up. It was Harry.

"Natalie? Are you in there?" He asked. I just couldn't answer the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth as I stared down at the stick.

"Are you okay?" He asked, knocking softly. He knew I was in here. Fuck.

The tests finally loaded. And it was not what I'd hoped for. 2 lines. That meant pregnant.

I instantly burst into tears because I knew Harry didn't want me or this baby. He obviously heard me crying and came in to see me holding the test.

He looked..shocked. I knew he didn't want this.

"I'm sorry," I pleaded as he kneeled down to where I was sitting and he wrapped his warm arms around me.

"It's not your fault," he replied, tightening his arms around me.

"It don't want me..or this.." I sobbed. I never cried in front of anyone. This was strange.

"Of course I want you! And of course I want this baby! Maybe I didn't want it as early as this but it's happened now and I'm willing to be a good father to the baby and a good boyfriend to you," he said, killing my forehead.

I threw the test in the bin before going back to my room to sleep. I couldn't face anyone.

I tried to sob as quietly as I could and soon enough, Simon and Emily were awake and Emily was by my side. Simon felt awkward about our girly talk and left the room, leaving us to it.

I cried whilst telling her everything and even what Harry said.

"Atleast he's being mature about it, I know many boys that would just leave you too it. You should be thankful." Emily reassured, hugging me.

"Of course I'm thankful. How am I supposed to tell the rest of the guys? They're going to think I'm such a slu-" I started.

"Don't you dare. You are not a slut. If anything, he should have wore a fucking condom or pulled out or something!" Emily said, anger rising in her voice.

She knew I didn't like it when she was angry so seeing my expression, she eventually calmed down.

Emily left for breakfast but I didn't want any so I stayed in bed and watched Netflix, not wanting to see anyone right now. I make Harry and Emily not tell anyone at the moment. Not even Simon. I just couldn't face up to Josh, JJ Simon and Vikk at this moment in time. (Btw they're the only sidemen boys living in the house atm as well as Natalie and Emily)

Around an hour later, there was a knock at the door before Harry came in and lay beside me in the bed. I couldn't face him. I had my back to him.

He put his warm arms around me and kept his hands in my stomach.

"A" He then said. I started to cry again. God Natalie, fuckup this day.

"I'm sorry," I repeated.

"None of this is your fault, Natalie." He said, kissing the back of my neck.

"I'm scared, Harry. I'm so scared." I admitted.

"I know you are. Everything will be fine, I promise." He said, rolling over and putting his hands behind his head and looking up to the ceiling.

"The boys are worried about you, why don't you come downstairs?" Harry then asked.

I wiped my tear stained cheeks before starting to get up out of bed. I looked a mess.

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