Chapter 18

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• Natalie's POV •

A month later

Today was the day of our first scan and I was really nervous. I sat at my vanity table and done my hair and makeup before we got ready to go.

"Everything will be fine today, Natalie." Harry reassured putting his arms around my waist.

"I hope so," I sighed, hoping our baby was gonna be okay.

On the way to the hospital I swear I had a headache because Harry kept playing KSIs new song 'fwb'

"No, actually turn that off before I hit you a slap." I giggled, shaking my head at the ridiculous song.

"Fine," Harry mumbled.

We only had to wait 10 minutes in the waiting room and while I waited I went on my twitter. I had loads of notifications wishing me and Harry goodluck. His viewers were so supportive.

When we entered the room Harry took my jack and I rolled my top up slightly just enough for her to put the ultrasound gel on.

"This may be a little cold," the nurse wanted me.

I giggled as the cold liquid was spread along my stomach.

My heart almost skipped a beat when I saw her turn the machine on and run the sensor over my stomach.

"Everything looks good. Your baby looks happy and healthy which is good. It's hard to say if it's a girl or a boy yet and it's too early into the pregnancy." The nurse told us kindly.

"I'm so glad everything's okay," I said, feeling Harry's soft hand squeeze mine.

We got a little photo of our scan and we had it framed and put in me and Harry's room back at the sidemen house.

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