Let It Snow While We Deck the O' Christmas Tree with Jingle Bells

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In the spirit of Christmas (and the fact that my last post was unbelievably sad) I decided to do a Christmas one-shot, specifically a Percebeth holiday one shot. XD Also, I GOT 100 FOLLOWERS!!!! That is all.


Time: After the Geae war


I smiled as Percy held me closer. We had finally convinced Chiron to let us put up a camp Christmas tree. It was decorated with ornaments each cabin made. There was a pink heart and dove (with a dagger in its claws thanks to Piper) for the Aphrodite cabin, one made with strips of various metals for the Hephaestus cabin, a blood spattered reindeer for the Ares cabin, a owl with holly in it's claws for the Athena cabin, and a melted snow cone in the shape of a trident for the Poseidon cabin. Just to name a few.

"This is gonna be the best Christmas ever Wise Girl," Percy said. His breath smelled like eggnog.

"You say that every year Seaweed Brain," I said, staring up at him. Did I mention I love the whole nickname thing?

"And every year it gets better!" He cried. I smiled big and bright. Leo stumbled over, trying to run away from Connor who was asking him if he wanted eggnog. Even though it's been 2 years, Leo, Jason, and Piper still hate eggnog.

"Connor stop it!" Leo whined swatting the cup of eggnog away. I noticed all the happy couples. Jason had decided to stay at Camp Half Blood this year for Christmas so Piper was ecstatic. Leo still hasn't found a girlfriend so he is less than ecstatic. Katie and Travis seem to have pretty good relationship. Frank and Hazel came with Jason to Camp. Gods I'm sounding like an Aphrodite girl.

"Lets sing Christmas carols!" Piper volunteered, stepping in front on Connor and Leo. I sighed in relief of another crisis diverted.

"Let it snow! let it snow! Let it snow, while we deck the O' Christmas tree with jingle bells and O' what fun it is to rock around the Christmas tree to the jingle bell rock!" Percy sang. We all looked at him like he lost it which I'm pretty sure he did.

"Those aren't the lyrics," I pointed out. He looked disappointed.

"But it took 3 days to memorize it!" He protested. I just rolled my eyes and kissed him.

"PDA!! PDA!!!" Leo cried covering his eyes. Piper slapped his arm hard.

"Bad Leo! Sit Leo!" She ordered. He rolled his eyes.

"Would you like me to roll over and play fetch too?" We all laughed.

"I bet you five drachma that it'll only take 6 hours for something to go wrong," Percy whispered to me.

"3 hours. And your on."

_______line break_____

3 hours later...

"You lose Wise Girl!" Percy cackled. He was doing a ridiculous happy dance worthy of a 5 year old.

"Just because you beat me at this doesn't mean you'll beat me at everything," I said trying to put out his ego. Just then the conch horn blew and I knew it wasn't time for dinner yet.

"EMERGENCY AT CAMP!!" A voice called. I was midnight. What went wrong. Wait, I won the bet!

"In your face Percy!" I said doing my own little happy dance. Then I remembered that we had an emergency and began dragging Percy out of my cabin.

When I got outside no one was there, there didn't seem to be any real threat.

"Percy where-" I started. I turned around but Percy wasn't there. Then I noticed something glittering on the top of Thalia's pine tree. I took off running as fast as I could and scampered up the tree. I triumphantly took a small, blue metallic wrapped box and hopped back down. It seemed to be a present. Inside was a silver bracelet that had the initials P and A on it. A small, chicken scratch note was written. I could barely make it out. It read:


There was no emergency. Love you.

I felt an arm wrap around me and Percy's voice say.

"Merry Christmas Wise Girl."

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