21- Cooking/baking

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Leo thought he had walked on to a set of a horror seen.

Reyna was standing in the Camp Demigod's kitchen, something they combined after the two camps were at peace. That wasn't the scary part.

Her skin was as white as white can be, a demon-like contrast to her dark hair. Her apron was covered in red stains. She was waving something metallic at someone, a knife perhaps. She was also screaming at them in Latin, which Leo couldn't really understand.

He was scared as the screaming continued, that he almost had a heart attack when Reyna threw the knife at the person she was screaming at, then turned towards the wall her was hiding behind.

"Leo?" She asked, her voice still holding a bit of anger. Leo let out a girly scream and ran off.

"AHHHHHHH!" he cried, running as far away from the kitchen as possible.

"Sheesh," Reyna said, brushing flour off her skin, "I just wanted to know if he would help me with the frosting for the cake."

She picked up the metal whisk she had thrown at Dakota when he suggested they put Kool-Aid in the cake, then grimaced at her apron, which a red food coloring bottle had exploded all over.




01- Holding Hands- Percebeth (completed)

02- Cuddling Somewhere- Frazel (completed)

03- Gaming/watching a movie- Jiper (completed)

04- On A Date- Caleo (completed)

05- Kisssing- Tratie (completed)

06- Wearing each other's clothes- Thalico (completed)

07- Cosplaying- Octachel (completed)

08- shopping- Reyico (completed)

09- hanging out with friends- Octeyna (completed)

10- with animal ears- Claris (Completed)

11- wearing pajamas- Jeyna (completed)

12- getting caught kissing- Leo hitting on himself in the mirror (completed)

13- eating ice-cream- Frazel (completed)

14- gender swapped- Percebeth (completed)

15- in different clothing styles- Tratie (completed)

16- During their morning rituals- Grover and Juniper (completed)

17- getting shipped- Drason (Drew and Jason) (completed)

18- doing something together- Percy and a cheeseburger (completed)

19- in formal wear- Thaluke (completed)

20- dancing- Leico (completed)

21- cooking/baking- Leyna (completed)

22- in battle, side-by-side- Pernico

23- arguing- Jico

24- making up afterwards- Perachel

25- gazing into each other's eyes- annaluke

26- getting married- Caleo

27- on one of their birthdays- Thalico

28- doing something ridiculous- Lazel

29- doing something sweet- Liper

30- cute fluff moment- Posithena

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