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What would happen if Khoine had a daughter? (Takes place sometimes after the lost hero and before mark of Athena)


(Leo's POV)

I was coming out of my cabin when I noticed a mass of demigods crowding an area near the forest, armed with weapons. And even though Piper, Jason, and I had only been at camp for a short time, we all knew what that meant. New camper + monster = barricade of armed demigods. But I haven't ever seen that many. I was on my way to Bunker Nine to work on the Argo II but I figured, I could check this out. Maybe this was an Aphrodite girl or something.

I managed to get near the front of the crowd. It was about as thick and dense as the hoard at an all-you-can-eat wing bar. It took some pushing, avoiding getting skewered like a shish kebab, and a LOT of yelling. I ended up next to Piper surprisingly. She apparently just woke up because her braids were sticking out at awkward angels, and she sleepily held Katoptris in her hand with a loose grip.

"What's going on?" I asked. She said nothing but motioned to the woods with her the back of her hand. A saytr who I've seen before but never bothered to remember the name of stumbled across, running as fast as he could. A really pretty girl stumbled behind him, her expression easily conveying that she was scared out of her mind. I think I even wolf whistled.

She had long, mocha colored hair, and icy, white-blue eyes. Her skin was vampire pale, but she didn't look dead. She even seemed to glisten. Actually, she kind of reminded me of Khoine.

"WHAT is that thing!" she shrieked at the top of her lungs, causing some people closer to the action cover their ears. I strained to get a better look. The girl was in inches of the barrier, with a hydra barreling towards her. Everyone didn't move, in hope that she would move herself. No such luck.

"Yo lady!" I screamed at the top if my lungs, "Ya might wanna move away from the fire breathing, acid spitting hydra behind you!"

"Shut up Leo. That will never work," someone muttered. I blushed scarlet and looked down. But the girl turned around, an even more scared look on her pretty little face. It felt like we were watching a horror movie, only the heroine could hear us screaming, "Don't go in there!" And going in and getting herself decapitated anyway.

"I-it spits fire and acid?" She stuttered nervously. I nodded my head up and down slowly like I was correcting a 5-year-old. I'm guessing we can rule out Athena kid.

The hydra came closer and the masses surged forward. But it was too late. The girl clearly wasn't moving from her spot, frozen there almost like an ice statue. An asteroid could hit earth and she would still be there, standing paralyzed in fear of the hydra behind her. The hydra reared back his head, and I knew what would happen next. Pretty girl BBQ anyone? Someone slapped me on the back, nudging me forward.

"Mr. Fireproof, time to do your thing." I nodded and began springing for the girl. The hydra turned a couple of its heads at me and spit acid repeatedly at the ground beneath me. I ended up having to take refuge behind a tree, then move as the tree get turned into cedar goo. The last few hydra heads that weren't trying to make my life miserable were still locked in on the girl. It reared to breathe fire at her and she held her hands up in defense. Like that's going to work.

What was strange was, just for a moment if you tilted your head and stood at the right angle, her hands seemed to admit a whitish light, like a camera flash. The hydra looked at her confused in a sort of, why aren't you running away in terror? It makes it more fun.

After a couple seconds the strangest thing happened. Frost began spreading all around the hydra's face, forming into ice. Soon all it's head where big hyrdacicles. It looked like the work of a god or goddess. People stared in awe, then began looking around as if they expected one to just pop out of the trees like Oprah. Well, if Oprah hid in trees. Finally Annabeth, farther up in the crowd turned to me.

"Bring her to the big house," she ordered. I dutifully nodded and trudged up to the girl, not having to worry about acid fire anymore. I wanted to hit Annabeth with some sarcasm. Be like, oh I feel so appreciated. I get to escort the girl and you get to fight the evil stuff. But she could probably burn me better than I could her.

"Come on," I sighed to the girl. She looked up at the hydra, then down at her hands, and finally sent a withering stare at me.

"What do you want?" I grabbed her arm.

"I get the job of taking you to the big house so you can understand what the heck is going on." She slapped my hand.

"Don't touch me." Then she motioned with one arm the, go ahead, motion. "Well come on," she snapped, "I can't find this "Big House" myself!" I smiled sarcastically and walked ahead. The only thing I get appreciation for is the Argo II.

At the Big House, Chiron told me to wait outside to talk to Lauren (I found out her name was Lauren). I nodded and sat outside, drumming my fingers on everything and thinking about the Argo, waiting inside Bunker Nine to be finished.

Finally after what seemed like forever, he let me back in with a very worried expression on his face.

"It seems we've uncovered a very rare type of demigod," Chiron said, taking a stand next to Lauren where she fidgeted.

"Big Three?" I asked, wondering if Percy Jackson, Jason or Nico (I heard about him around camp. Creepy guy.) was going to get a sister. Chiron shook his head.

"Rarer." I didn't know anything was rarer than the Big Three. I was about to ask when we were interrupted by a claiming. A glowing white snowflake appeared above Lauren's head, bathing her in white light. I was too nervous to ask then, my heart climbed to my throat. I looked at Chiron and he nodded.

A snowflake was Khoine's symbol. Khoine was the super hot goddess on Geae's side. And the woman I had a crush on. And apparently she had a daughter. Awkward...

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