09- Hanging Out With Friends

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"Hey guys!" Reyna called bounding up to them, pulling Octavian by one arm.

"Hey Reyna!" Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Frank, and Hazel called. Piper looks at the ground awkwardly.

"Hello greacus scum," Octavian smirked, earning death glares from half of the group.

"Stop, Octavian, we're trying to make peace."

"Oh look Piper is here too... Don't you two ladies need sometime to talk?" Reyna gritted her teeth.

Sometime she wished her boyfriend wasn't so much of a pain in the podex.


That was a really short little one, so sorry.

Just a stupid little reminder:

01- Holding Hands- Percebeth (completed)

02- Cuddling Somewhere- Frazel (completed)

03- Gaming/watching a movie- Jiper (completed)

04- On A Date- Caleo (completed)

05- Kisssing- Tratie (completed)

06- Wearing each other's clothes- Thalico (completed)

07- Cosplaying- Octachel (completed)

08- shopping- Reyico (completed)

09- hanging out with friends- Octeyna (completed)

10- with animal ears- Claris (Clarrisse and Chris)

11- wearing pajamas- Jeyna

12- getting caught kissing- Leo hitting on himself in the mirror

13- eating ice-cream- Frazel

14- gender swapped- Percebeth

15- in different clothing styles- Tratie

16- During their morning rituals- Grover and Juniper

17- getting shipped- Drason (Drew and Jason)

18- doing something together- Percy and a cheeseburger

19- in formal wear- Thaluke

20- dancing- Leico

21- cooking/baking- Leyna

22- in battle, side-by-side- Pernico

23- arguing- Jico

24- making up afterwards- Perachel

25- gazing into each other's eyes- annaluke

26- getting married- Caleo

27- on one of their birthdays- Thalico

28- doing something ridiculous- Lazel

29- doing something sweet- Liper

30- cute fluff moment- Posithena

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