18- Doing Something Together

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Percy & A Cheeseburger


Percy should have never broken up with Annabeth.

According to his dad, Aphrodite was in a tearing wreak. She vowed revenge on Percy, for destroying her OTP, and then would get the two back together.

Percy was at McDonalds, ordering a cheeseburger, when suddenly he felt a small jolt zip down his spine.

Upon getting his burger, he gobbled down the fries and gulped the soda, b refused to even touch his cheeseburger.

"You're a cute little thing, aren't ya?" Percy cooed to his cheeseburger. People began to stare. "I wouldn't change anything about you beautiful." Soon a security guard came over, and told him to leave.

That was ok, Percy got his burger to go. He strapped it in the passenger seat, and drove all around, working up enough urge to finally kiss it.

Which he did, and the park ranger pulled him over, recommended him to a psychiatrist and told him to say no to drugs.

Percy ignored him, and happily continued his date with Burger.

And the best part is, Burger will never grow moldy, because she is a McDonalds burger, and God knows what they put in that.


No joke about the burger.


01- Holding Hands- Percebeth (completed)

02- Cuddling Somewhere- Frazel (completed)

03- Gaming/watching a movie- Jiper (completed)

04- On A Date- Caleo (completed)

05- Kisssing- Tratie (completed)

06- Wearing each other's clothes- Thalico (completed)

07- Cosplaying- Octachel (completed)

08- shopping- Reyico (completed)

09- hanging out with friends- Octeyna (completed)

10- with animal ears- Claris (Completed)

11- wearing pajamas- Jeyna (completed)

12- getting caught kissing- Leo hitting on himself in the mirror (completed)

13- eating ice-cream- Frazel (completed)

14- gender swapped- Percebeth (completed)

15- in different clothing styles- Tratie (completed)

16- During their morning rituals- Grover and Juniper (completed)

17- getting shipped- Drason (Drew and Jason) (completed)

18- doing something together- Percy and a cheeseburger (completed)

19- in formal wear- Thaluke

20- dancing- Leico

21- cooking/baking- Leyna

22- in battle, side-by-side- Pernico

23- arguing- Jico

24- making up afterwards- Perachel

25- gazing into each other's eyes- annaluke

26- getting married- Caleo

27- on one of their birthdays- Thalico

28- doing something ridiculous- Lazel

29- doing something sweet- Liper

30- cute fluff moment- Posithena

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