Teen Gods

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This is just gonna be PJO one shots from now on. I might add in a couple different ones on request but...

Don't judge me for this, I just got a really weird idea.


Athena was an owl. Of course, she was a regular girl too but in snowy owl form. She swooped down through the fluffy white clouds, the wind ruffling her white and grey feathers. She spotted her friend Artemis on the ground, walking with her twin brother Apollo.

She could easily see the topic of today's argument. Both Apollo and Artemis wore matching black t-shirts, jeans, and black converse.

Athena dove towards the ground and transformed mid-air, scaring the daylights out of both Artemis and Apollo.

"Hi!" she laughed, tucking the book she was holding under one arm and clasping Artemis on the shoulders. Artemis scowled. She was not amused.

Apollo began laughing with Athena, till Artemis socked his arm and called both of them nimrods.

"You have to admit, Arty, that was pretty funny," Apollo smiled, holding his hands up apologetically. Artemis furrowed her brow even further.

"Don't call me Arty." Suddenly the scent of floral perfume was upon them, and a girl with curly brown hair linked arms with the two girls. It was Artemis and Athena's other friend, Persephone.

"Guys, quit fighting! Besides, I know something you might like to hear..." Persephone said, flashing them her trademark smile. The goddess was known to be a optimistic follower, who always wore a flower in her hair (today it was a sunflower).

"Apollo can you leave so we can talk?" Artemis asked (though it wasn't like he had any choice). Apollo slipped his earbuds in, rolled his eyes, and turned on his iPod, then began walking away.

"What can you tell us, Persephone?" Athena asked eagerly. She always loved more knowledge.

"Aphrodite got herself another boyfriend."

"I thought she was dating Hepheastus," Athena frowned. Persephone grinned mischievously.

"She is." Both Athena and Artemis were puzzled, till they came to realization at the same time.

"She's dating two guys?!" Athena asked incredulously. Artemis gagged.

"What a bimbo." The girls laughed, and stopped at the front of the steps of the school to say farewell. Suddenly a girl with long honey-blonde locks and sparkling blue eyes shoved past them.

"Speak of the devil," Artemis muttered under her breath. It was Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. On her arm was a muscular jock with a buzz cut. The girls recognized him from around school. Ares, god of war, was Aphrodite's new pet.

To take their attention away from the disturbing scene at hand (Aphrodite was kissing Ares farewell, much to Artemis and the rest of the girls' disgust), a tall figure with messy black hair and pale skin strode up the steps and into the school, with Persephone lightly following, fixing her 'Hope' t-shirt, straightening her curly ponytail, and reassuring her sunflower was still securely tucked behind one ear.

It was Hades, god of the Underworld and Persephone's widely known crush. Both Artemis and Athena rolled their eyes, and made their way to their first class.

It was the day after spring vacation, so they were going to get new seats.

"Zeus Powerful?" the teacher called. A tall track jock with neatly trimmed hair and a confident attitude strode up to his usual seat. As always, somehow the oldest (or so he claims) of the Powerful triplets was always seated directly in the middle of the class room. His brother, Poseidon was seated in the back, in a small corner as he always smells like fish for some reason.

"Artemis Moonson?" Athena watched sadly as her friend took the seat second-to-last on the right side.

"Athena Wisdom?" Athena perked up when her name was called. Both girl's were ecstatic as Athena sat down next to the raven-haired Artemis.

After everyone was seated, the teacher began his presentation. Though, he didn't have a very captive audience.

Aphrodite was painting her nails a new shade of pink, Dionysus was asleep on his desk, Zeus was doodling in his sky blue notebook, Hestia was trying to put out a fire she had started on her desk, Hephaestus was making a small toy out of rubber bands and pipe cleaners, Poseidon was day dreaming, and Artemis and Athena were passing notes. The only one the least bit interested was Hermes, who was leaning back in his seat with his feet on his desk.

"Now, the War of- Hey are you kids even listening?" the teacher asked. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Even Aphrodite froze in mid-paint. "Ok, you are." There was a huge silent sigh of relief that everyone let out after the teacher turned back around.

What's Hermes so pleased about? Athena asked in a note she passed to Artemis. Her friend shrugged and wrote a reply.

No idea.

Well that's helpful.

Athena, is that sarcasm I'm detecting?


I'm so proud of you.

Both girls smiled at each other. They're conversation was interrupted by a loud explosion in the front of the classroom. Their teacher had gone to put the chalk down and all the chalk exploded!

"HERMES!" Their teacher screamed. Everyone's gaze swiveled to the back, were Hermes had his feet down, both hands together on his desk, and a smug look on his face. Athena could see he was resisting the urge to laugh.

The teacher dragged him by the ear to the principals office. Once he was gone, peals of laughter echoed throughout classroom B1. It was practically a party.

Then the school blew up because I have no idea how to end this story.

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