See You Soon, sequel to "I'm A Bit Tied Up"

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I felt so bad leaving you guys with a sad ending like that, so I decided to make a sequel with a happier ending. XD Aren't I nice?


Still Kat's POV

"So I pretty much get to tell you I like you then I have to watch you die?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"I might not die. I'm coming back."

"When though?"

"Sometime before the end of January."

"That's extremely specific."

"I try." I laughed hard which I really wasn't fit for what was going on. But I guess laughing was a way to keep myself from crying. Which is weird because I'm not very emotional.

"So when do you have to leave?" I asked the seriousness settling back in on the conversation. He mulled it over.

"2 days at the most." I frowned.

"And after that?"

"We'll see Katherine."

"No one calls me Katherine, Leonardo," I joked. he faked being hurt.

"We'll call it even." Then took a deep breath and nodded. I let him I walked out of the Bunker and let him finish his work. Yes I said nothing else. Being the (non) romantic expert I am, I do not know how to flirt or act girly in anyway. It hasn't gotten me anywhere in life. I walked back to my cabin with a hollow, relinquished feeling. This is not how I planned my day.

~~line break~~~

I sat in my cabin staring up at the ceiling. I knew this was certain death. But I didn't know how to tell him. I reached under the cot and pulled out a dusty hardcover. I hadn't read it in a while in fear of someone seeing me. The cover read, House of Hades. And I knew the other books were under there too. Finally I made my decision. I sat grabbed a sheet if notebook paper and a pen and began to write a little advice letter.

~~~line break~~~

It was the day they had to leave. I walked into the bunker to see Piper yelling at Leo.

"WE ARE SUPPOSE TO LEAVE TODAY!!!" She yelled. He was finished hooking up wires and such.

"Shouldn't this thing be in the air already?" I asked. Piper stuck her hand out at me.

"THA-ANK YOU!!" I smiled.

Soon a group of people gathered to see the "mystical 7 demigods" off to their quest.

"Bye we won't miss you!" Called Drew. The smaller girl with braces (Lacey I think) glared at Drew but didn't say anything. Leo hugged me one last time. I gently slipped the letter in his jacket pocket without him noticing.

"See you soon?" He asked. I nodded.

"See you soon. And try not to die, K?" He laughed.

"I'll come back alive I promise." I nodded. The little moment was interrupted by Piper.

"Are you 2 dating or something?" We oth blushed frivolously and shook our heads. But in my mind I said, not yet. They set off and I waved goodbye. He promised he was coming back, but I couldn't help wondering if he'll ever say that to another girl...


How'd you like that little nugget of fluff and suspense? And did you like the HoH reference? (Cough* another girl *cough* calypso) anyway, see ya!

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