Guuuueeesss what!

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Im gonna try the OTP thirty-day Drabble challenge, for fun!

Here's how it works:


-Choose one ship to do a one-shot for, going with the theme for that day.

-you can use ships more than once but try to spread them out to give a verity.

-try to post every day. Don't be late to update!

Here are the themes for each day (in order)*

01- Holding Hands

02- Cuddling Somewhere

03- Gaming/watching a movie

04- On A Date

05- Kisssing

06- Wearing each other's clothes

07- Cosplaying

08- shopping

09- hanging out with friends

10- with animal ears

11- wearing pajamas

12- getting caught kissing

13- eating ice-cream

14- gender swapped

15- in different clothing styles

16- During their morning rituals

17- getting shipped

18- doing something together

19- in formal wear

20- dancing

21- cooking/baking

22- in battle, side-by-side

23- arguing

24- making up afterwards

25- gazing into each other's eyes

26- getting married

27- on one of their birthdays

28- doing something ridiculous

29- doing something sweet

30- cute fluff moment

*i may have changed some themes to keep it appropriate.

You guys can text in ships you want me to do for each day!

I'm gonna post day one in a bit, with Percebeth as the ship!

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