26- Getting Married

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"Something's going to go wrong," Leo said, sweating.

"Nothing is going to go wrong."


"Jeez, sorry." Percy took a step back, fixing his bronze bow tie. He preferred blue, but Leo insisted on bronze. Now Leo was hyperventilating, loosening his tie and doing jumping jacks.

Meanwhile Annabeth was helping Calypso with her veil. Despite Calypso previously hating her, once she had gotten off her island the two had become good friends.

"He's going to set something on fire, I know it!" Calypso said, as Annabeth gave her a freshly minted penny for her 'something new', Her owl earrings for her 'something borrowed', and a string of blue gems for her 'something blue'.

"We made his tuxedo flame proof for a reason," Annabeth agreed. Calypso was sweating.

"Let's hope that something isn't the cake." Annabeth looked at her weird. "What I like cake."

Soon the two were in front of the minister. After a long and boring introduction her turned to Calypso.

"Do you take this irritating elf to be your husband?"


"I do."

"And do you take this plant-loving girl to be your wife?"

"What's that suppose to mean?!"

"I do."

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The minister left, with Leo and Calypso glaring at him. It was surprising that Frank had become a minister. They decided to kiss anyway.

Leaning forward, Calypso stopped.

"Leo... Your hair is on fire."


I know I'm going to have Team Leo fangirls killing me through comments for this.


01- Holding Hands- Percebeth (completed)

02- Cuddling Somewhere- Frazel (completed)

03- Gaming/watching a movie- Jiper (completed)

04- On A Date- Caleo (completed)

05- Kisssing- Tratie (completed)

06- Wearing each other's clothes- Thalico (completed)

07- Cosplaying- Octachel (completed)

08- shopping- Reyico (completed)

09- hanging out with friends- Octeyna (completed)

10- with animal ears- Claris (Completed)

11- wearing pajamas- Jeyna (completed)

12- getting caught kissing- Leo hitting on himself in the mirror (completed)

13- eating ice-cream- Frazel (completed)

14- gender swapped- Percebeth (completed)

15- in different clothing styles- Tratie (completed)

16- During their morning rituals- Grover and Juniper (completed)

17- getting shipped- Drason (Drew and Jason) (completed)

18- doing something together- Percy and a cheeseburger (completed)

19- in formal wear- Thaluke (completed)

20- dancing- Leico (completed)

21- cooking/baking- Leyna (completed)

22- in battle, side-by-side- Pernico (completed)

23- arguing- Jico (completed)

24- making up afterwards- Perachel (completed)

25- gazing into each other's eyes- annaluke (completed)

26- getting married- Caleo (completed)

27- on one of their birthdays- Thalico

28- doing something ridiculous- Lazel

29- doing something sweet- Liper

30- cute fluff moment- Posithena

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