The Meeting

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Sorry if this sucks but this just came to me

Have a good day or night


Greg looked over everyone in surprise. He didn't expect this many people to come. Almost all of the town is here. Everyone except Steven and Connie.

There was the Pizzas and the Frymans and Sadie and Lars,who had to come, and Buckman and the Mayor and Onion and Vidallia, and Sourcream and Mr.Smiley and the Crystal Gems of course.

"Okay everyone." Greg says attracting the attention of everyone when he spoke into the mike.

"So you all know why we're here." Greg started then the Mayor interrupted him. "Why are we here again I have a speech I have to give soon."

This time Pearl spoke up."We are here for the matter of the two children in question, Steven and Connie."

After looking at their perplexed faces Amythest clarified. "We're trying to turn Steven and Connie into a couple.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh." Everyone said in unison. "Well in our latest attempts for them to become a couple we have tried using mistletoe during Christmas, we made sure they had each other during Valentine's day for dates, and on Halloween we put them through the task of being stuck in a haunted house so they were comforted by each other. Yet in all these attempts nothing has happened." Pearl explained.

Everyone started throwing suggestions out so the town's favorite ship would go canon. But all the ideas were bad and have been heard before.

Pearl sighs."Garnet you must see a path where they end together." Garnet stops to think long and hard snice she was one of the first hardcore shippers after Stevonnie happened.

"I see many paths and most lead to happiness for the two but others are sad and painful."

Greg rubs the back of his neck."Welp we'll just have be careful then." Perl looked tired. "Fine. Okay everyone meeting adjourned. See you all on Tuesday."

Everyone slowly got up and grumbled because of the lack of progress today. Everyone was moving slowly expect Sourcream what looked like he was in a rush to go somewhere.


"Connie you are right! They are trying to make us a couple." Steven exclaimed into the phone.

"Aha! I knew it!........................ So Steven...... Do you want to be a couple?" Steven hesitates and finally after a period of silence answers.

"Of course Connie I would love to be your boyfriend. Do you think we should tell them?"

Connie was happy at the thought of Steven being her boyfriend but she didn't want people knowing there business.

"Naw, let's watch them think of new ways to put us together. It might be fun." Steven was concerned about a evil touch in her voice but ignored it. "Okay cool."

The end.

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