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AN this is one of my top GF ships. This takes place in Dippers Journal which he decided to get to be more like Stanford.

Dippers POV

Pacifica had agreed to go on a date with me. Of course I played it cool and calm when I asked her. 🎶🌻🌼🌌🌌No you didn't liar liar pants on fire!😝😝😘👯👎💙💜💙💕🎶 Sorry Mabel wrote in this . Whatever at least I asked her.

She came to the house. I had the mood all set. Candles check, dinner check, music check it was all set. When she finally comes inside after I open the door we sit down and start to talk about all the weird things that had happened to Gravity Falls. We also talked about how she wants to be truthful and a better Northwest than her ancestors, not a liar.

We keep on talking Into the Night and before long I'm leaning in to kiss her... Until someone came crashing in...

It was Star Butterfly and Mabel.

When Star accidentally came into our Dimension with Marco. Her and Mabel became friends and she visited often. I just didn't know that she was there that night. Star and Mabel are Evil Geniuses and apparently decided to ruin my date.

A portal opened up and Star and Mabel popped their heads out and started to sing as I leaned in to kiss Pacifica. "🎶Dipper and Pacifica sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.🎶 Mmmh mmmh."

Then they started making kissy faces and noises. Thankfully Pacifica was kind of cool about it and kissed me on the cheek while slightly blushing. She left soon after. I knew I was blushing bad. I'm totally getting Star and Mabel back for this. I'll just have to come up with a plan with Marco.😏😏

The end

Hoped you liked it cuz I won't be updating for a while sorry have a good day or night.

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