Two way

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The quiet night was swallowing the whole scenery. Millie, already 9, was staring at the dark night and the stars. Her hair was curled and her pink puffy dress laced with white roses. She couldnt wait for the victory party to end.

"Mills?" called a soft, shy voice. Millie turned her head and smiled crookedly. "Hi, Noah." she whispered. "Why do you seem down? You look sad." he commented. His voice was still low.

Millie bit her lip. She just cant lie to Noah. "Daddy and Mommy were talking awhile ago about my sister in New Jersey. They.. were talking about letting me stay with her there for this summer." Noah frowned. "But you love your sister, right? Then what's with the long face?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Beverly has that disease, Noah."

Noah sighed. He loved Millie. Before he thought it was that type of best friend love, like a sister, but then he realized he had a crush on her. He liked her a lot.. but even he was just always left dumbfounded for Millie's perception towards her sister.

"Millie, we have talked about this. Remember?" he said with a look of confusion. "You love your sister. No matter what happens. You should."

"But I've always been left in her shadow!" her voice suddenly turned higher in pitch. "I perform theater, I do plays, audition for this and that and all my parents care about is that stupid disease of hers!"

"I love my parents," she continued, this time tears rolling down her cheeks. "But sometimes you cant blame me for doubting their love for me."

Noah looked down at the floor. "There's no other way Millie. Love is a two way street. If you doubt their love for you then its most likely they doubt your love for Beverly too."

Noah walked back in leaving Millie alone in the terrace, as she cried.

The party downstairs was originally meant for Noah's birthday but then his father had some businesses to attend to so instead, they decided to just make it a pre-celebration. The Schnapp family was a close family friend of the Browns, but their family relationship was the exact opposite. Although both are equally aligned in wealth and social status, the closeness they had as family were different. That was why Noah was probably mostly intrigued at Millie- because he wasnt used to that kind of burdens.

It was also a probable reason why he liked Millie, why he cared for her. He had always grown to be a heroic friend, although shy at times. He liked the idea of saving someone, but who could he save when his life was surrounded with support and love? But when he met Millie, he decided this was his opportunity, his chance.. to save.

Noah went downstairs, his face quite saddened by the thought of Millie. Gaten, a close friend of his, automatically went to cheer him up. "What's your problem? Its a pre-celebration and you look like you swallowed a choking panda." Noah burst out laughing, feeling lighter and happier.


"Robert, what about the next operation? When can we do it? Beverly needs full attention; now." Kelly asked worriedly. Robert ran his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes.

"I don't know Kelly, the doctor in New Jersey said that the next operation is risky and might take some time for Beverly to overcome. There is 30% chance of not surviving." Kelly's eyes seemed to mist with hurt.. being away with her daughter was one thing, seeing her be pierced with needles was another. But by far, the questioning of her survival was the hardest.

"She doesnt deserve a second of pain, Robert. I want to see her." Robert sighed. "Kelly, you know the doctor said that as much as possible, it would be best that you and I dont come. Bev will have a breakdown--"

"She is already breaking down, Robert! She's already dying and here I am on the other hand, just allowing it to happen!" at this point, her voice was hysterical. "I need to see my daughter.."

Wasnt it ironic, that while she was yearning for a daughter, her other daughter was there longing for acknowledgement? Waiting for the chance to be the one to feel love. Waiting.. for the two way street called love to finally merge into one road.

ok i tried to make it lengthy hahaaha. hope you like this! ♡ unedited)

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