Twenty-four lines

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Read this with the music above, im begging you.

Millie only noticed now, just right now, the streaks of brownish yellow on the bamboos. Or the blue flowerish faded print of the pillowcases.

Because now was the only tim9npe she noticed these tiny little details which before didnt even seem to matter. But now that she was leaving, now that her parents were to come in a few minutes, she was desperate for every, small or big, detail in this farm. Whether it may just be the color of her hut, or the straws attaching together.. she just needed. She was thirsting for anything to remind her that she was human.

The world seemed to be black and white back in the city. But here in South Carolina, Finn, Clint, Sadie and a lot of other people taught her that there was more than just this black and white world; that some people could add color and meaning into her life.

Millie took one of her fruit balms and carefully applied some on her supple rose shaded lips. Combimg her wet, damp hair, she opened her phone.

A message appeared and flashed brightly on the screen;

From: Kelly

On the way.

Funny how her own mother,  after 3 straight months of no communication,  her mother simply texts a cold and straightforward message, that for some reason still bothers her.

Her eyes fall on her wallpaper, a picture of Finn smiling at the camera cutely with his hair parted in a curly manner.

She had just changed it before she took water from the well. Finn was her best memory out of all the memories that she will cherish.

Suddenly, small soft knocks clicked upon her ears. She stood up rigidly and opened the door to see Clint looking at the floor, his eyes reflecting a sad shimmer of seperation.

Millie gulped, opening her mouth, but Clint interrupted her and gave her a small grin.

"No, your parents arent here yet."


An awkward silence then filled the hut, as Millie tapped her fingers on the top of her phone slowly, staring at the ceiling.

"I just want to thank you," Clint began. "For making a huge change to the lives of the people here. Especially Finn," he said with a chuckle. "He had always been kind, and such a good boy, but this was the first time I've ever seen him this happy."

Millie's gaze stuck on Clint and her lips twitched into a smile.

"I did?"

Clint nodded, his eyes shining.

"Really, really, really happy."

Millie's eyes teared up. She then reached forward and gave Clint a hug. "You've been a father more than someone ever did, Uncle Clint." She whispered. "Thank you."

"May i ask something, Millie?" He asked politely, amidst the falling tears in his cheeks. He wiped them subtly.

"What is it, Uncle?"

"Does he know you leave today?" Clint's voice seemed to echo in the air, like it was stuck. Millie's stare fell, her face dropping.


Clint's eyes turned dark. "That will break him Millie." He said, looking at her.

"That will break him very much," Clint told her. "I must remind you, that Finn has never experienced a tragedy in his life, not once."

It was like a cold and bitter truth to swallow.

Millie let go of the hug and took off the earring on her right. It was a simple silver ring like earring, with a few authentic diamond studs.

"Give this to him later," she whispered. "And tell him I love him."


When Kelly walked out of the car, with Robert following closely behind her, Millie almost collapsed.

Her mother's eyes were pained and vague, like seeing Millie was a salt in a harsh wound. Millie's chest tightened, but she didnt cry.

In the process of changing, you see, Millie, once with a heart of ice, had let go of all the anger she had. One of the amazing things Millie learnt here was that anger, guilt, and all the regrets, wont change anything.

Robert's brown eyes-- inherited by Millie-- were big and wide, curious and scared. It wasnt dread, but wonder and curiosity over what had happened.

Clint walked over to Robert and clapped hos back, giving him a wide smile. "Hey little brother," Clint chuckled. "Kelly." he greeted with a nod.

Kelly smiled, but her eyes were drained. "Hi Clint."

"Your daughter has been amazing," Clint looked at Millie. "Its sad to let her go."

Millie smiled genuinely at Clint, but her eyes showed pain and sadness unknowable.

"I guess this is goodbye, Uncle Clint," Millie's voice electrified both her parents ears. Never had they heard it so patient and gentle. So soothing and calm.

"Goodbye too, Millie."

With one last smile, Millie opened the car door, and with all the strength she had left, with her shaky hands, she closed the door shut.

"How has she been, Clint?" Kelly asked, clearing her throat. "Wonderful," Clint replied, shocking both of them. "She has a lot of friends. Works hard. Even patient with the children more than any one I've ever seen before." he said, his eyes sparkling. "You are very lucky to have her."


There was not a word as Robert started the engine. Millie's eyes were glued at the shrinking figure of Clint, waving.

No "hi" at least from from her parents she hadnt seen in three months.

But she didnt dwell much on it. That wasnt even the main reason of her heart shattering inside her. She just missed Finn so much, like every second she was stuck in this Mercedes Benz was killing her.

They were intersecting lines they met once, but then had to go on their seperate ways, and for a lot of reasons Millie couldnt expalin into words, it hurt much more than parallel lines that never met, because if they never did, then it woudnt hurt this much.


Millie walked out of the car door and her mouth parted a little as she gaped at the mansion she used to live in, and now she was back. Shutting the door behind her, she walked over to the back of their car and got some bags. "A little help?" Robert asked, giving Millie a small smile. 

Millie tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear and gave a crooked smile in return. "Thank you," she said quietly. 

Kelly had walked over in the house already, not even glancing at her daughter. Millie might have not seen, but Robert saw tears begging to fall down his wife's eyes.

Lol hi im alive

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