Twenty-one masks

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The wind was cool, fresh and soothing. The dark night was illuminated by tiny stars shining brightly, and the moon, so full, staring upon the evergreen leaves of the forest.

Finn stood up from bed and grabbing a thermal jacket, zipping it up. He fixed his messy hair, that he had just woken up from, although it still messily lay on his head, and silently exited his house.

It was his first time to do such a thing, and he didnt have bad intentions with it anyway.

He memorized the path to Millie's hut by heart, as if it was written on the back of his hand. He knocked loudly on the door made up of bamboos held together, exhaling.

Millie appeared by the door, rubbing her eyes, and yawning. "What the hell-- Finn?" she exclaimed in surprise. "Why are you here? It's--" she took a glance at her wrist watch. "It's 1am."

"Get something to cover you up and let's go," he said quickly. "Don't change anymore, grab a sweater or something."

Millie shut the door and he could hear the rummaging in her luggages, and a complete silence followed. She then opened the door once again and ran her fingers through her hair, staring at Finn with eyes full of wonder.

She was wearing her sweatpants she had slept in and covered up with a gray sweater he swore he had seen her wear to breakfast one morning.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked quietly.

With Finn leading the way, Millie gasped in seeing a pick up truck.  "Hop in," Finn instructed as he opened the car door door for Millie and jogging to the driver seat.

The windows were down, and Finn turned up the engine. Millie was longing to ask him if he was even allowed to drive already, but she kept her mouth shut and stared at the blur of the trees as Finn drove fast.

Finn was wondering wildly what was running in Millie's mind as she stared blankly outside the window.

He could see her eyes glistening with tears in the dark, and she bowed down to let them fall.

He stopped the car nearby, and faced Millie, as she wiped her cheeks frantically.

"Im alright," she said in a convincing tone. But she wasnt even sure to whom was she was convincing, herself or Finn.

"Stop faking it," he told her, his mouth dry. "Cry it out."

She brought her palms to her face and sobbed in it, her hair falling down her shoulder. She was shaking as she cried.

"It's going to be okay, Millie," he said, trying to comfort her. "It gonna be okay."

She put her hands down her lap and locked her eyes with him. "Please dont," she whispered. "Please don't."

Finn gulped, "What do you mean?"

"Please dont lie to me." her voice cracked. "You and I both know it isnt. She's dead, Finn.. and it's all my fault." she closed her eyes, forcing a painful smile.

"No it isnt, Millie," Finn said indignantly. "It isnt your fault. Im not lying."

"Im the cause of her sadness, her sorrow," she said between sobs. "Im so evil."

Finn wrapped her in his arms, and she cried into his shoulder. "Shh," he said, consolingly, patting her back.

Millie has developed into an amazing girl, gentle and kind, forgiving and sweet. She smiles like there isnt anything wrong.. but it was her masks that showed that. Yes she smiles, but it is stuck in her mind all the bad memories from home and the fear of leaving Finn.

For a moment, it just stayed that way, with her crying and him trying to comfort her. His heart was beating loudly and hers was breaking into pieces.

"And the cherry on top to this sundae of problems," she said weakly. "Is I have less than a month here with you."

And that was when it dawned on him, when it finally struck him and sunk in, that she was going to leave. There was going to be a day that she was going to leave him, leave all the memories behind.

At some point, he would stare at the ceiling at night before going to sleep. He knew that at some juncture, Millie had to go. But maybe that was then Millie wasnt much of an impact on him, not much of a value.

But things changed. Differences happened. Things he never expected to occur did occur. It was a whirlwind of things going berserk.

But the problem was..

He liked this sudden difference. And that sudden difference was Millie.

Hiii haha so all out through this book i have been trying to point out that millie is adjusting to the farm was the sudden difference but there is more substance than just that. In finn's perspective Millie is the sudden difference 😎 hope u liked this hahaha -delia

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