Seven monsters

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There are seven monsters  in your head.

The first is the monster of insecurity. This monster is the most likely monster to appear at any time of the day. Whenever you backstab, you feel a sense of envy, you get to meet this monster.

The second one is the monster of greed. This one comes in all forms; money, gadgets, material things.. greed takes away the being of people, because it settles with the company of material blessings.

The third one is the monster of hatred. When your toes curl in anger, or your nails dig into your palms out of so much agitation, this monster happens to be flaming inside of you.

The fourth is the monster of sadness. This takes away your happiness, your joy, and instead, throwing it and washing you with negativity and pessimism.

The fifth is the monster of pride. Sometimes, we feel it in ourselves that we are wrong, we failed to do what was right, we had been stirred from doing good and done into doing bad. But because of high prides, we shut ourselves up, keep ourselves locked, and not even dare say a word of remorse. Who cares, anyway, as long as you stand to be right.

The sixth monster is the monster of lust. Lust not in sexual forms, because lust is nit just about that. Lust is everything at once that goes over, that exceeds the given limit. Lust is a four letter devil.

The seventh, the most deadliest, monster-like thing in the world.. is death.

Death is holy and sacred if done for a good cause. With the right time, in the right way of choosing, and in the full will, is not frightening. Usually, when we think of death, we picture in our minds a hazy, dark image of lifelessness. It is a pit of hell.. but it can be your last taste of heaven if done for a good cause.

But this is what makes this monster special; unlike the other monsters, this one was made out of thoughts. It all happens in your head. It is a thought itself. The true meaning of death in a bad way is caused by us. We rot our minds, we are the cause of destruction. We are the cause of wrong. And that, that is true death.

These seven monsters was Ellie, Noah's mom,'s way of educating Noah the real meaning of bad. Ellie saw in Noah that he indeed had a hard time in facing the worst.

When the Schnapp family and the Browns' friendship went on the rocks, Noah looked depressed. He wasnt allowed to see Millie, because of their parents' sudden shift of personality towards one another. He locked himself in the room, and Ellie was afraid.

Ellie told him the story of these monsters  and how we can never avoid them. There is no choice, we have to face them. We have to meet and encounter them.. or else, how will we learn how to conquer them?

You cant consider yourself brave if you've just killed a baby lion. You cant call yourself depressed over a piece of cake. You cant call yourself happy over a new pen.

There are sometimes simple things that make us feel emotionally unstable.. and these monsters are the only ones who can help us stabilize and make ourselves maintained in equalization.

Noah hated these monsters. He hated encountering them, he hated meeting them, he hated every moment he was with them. But sadly, every little second of the day, these seven monsters are just there.



Millie inhaled deeply. "Are you going to go gossip with your friends and talk about how horrible the newbie is?" she said sarcastically. Finn frowned at her.

"Not everyone is mean, you know." he said while running his fingers through his hair. "And this isnt to gossip about you, but what you did there left a mark. It hurt." he spat.

Words are examples of monsters. They drag you into a perspective where everything is wrong. They push you into believing that this is all you can ever be.

Millie licked her lips agitatedly. "I myself cant believe that that hurt. I've done and said worse than that. And this simple thing, how could it affect you that much?" her voice was going higher.

Finn bit the insides of his cheek. "Maybe for you and your city life, doing that is okay, but here, Im sorry to burst your bubble but we don't appreciate that way of talking to elderly."

Millie smirked. "Pathetic." she muttered under her breath, but loud enough for Finn to hear.

Finn wanted to answer back so badly, but he bit his tongue and calmed himself. Meeting her is a challenge. She's going to irritate you to the bones and kill you with her words, but the challenge is making sure that her words dont stab you where they hurt.

He flashed a smile at her and walked back to Caleb and the others. They too were staring at the two.

It is truth we cant avoid monsters. They live in us each day. We have no choice. But there is a decision within us if we let them destroy and change us, or let it be an obstacle in sustaining who you truly are.

hi guys! i hoped this inspired you. tbh, what really inspires me is your votes and comments 💙 thank you for 300 reads and commenting! i really appreciate it, super. lets talk!! have any questions, concerns, go comment. i love connecting with you guyshere's the third chapter for today 🙊

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