Fourteen seeds

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before anything, i want to thank lequeenlaura for my cover ( Claire's too!! ) they. are. beautiful. 😍 thank you, maia! salamatttt 😁

Finn woke up with his head pounding. Just as he sat up, he automatically dropped his body back in bed, for the head ache was almost unbearable.

Nuzzling his face in one of his pillows, he began to notice that he was hearing loud voices outside, cheering.

His bed was perched directly under the window for he found comfort in the view. He saw Natalia and Charlie, wrapped in an embrace, smiling, and a crowd cheering around them.

Charlie never looked so happy. His arms were snaked upon Natalia's waist.

Finn got up and went outside to check what was with the fuss outside with Natalia and Charlie, although he had a suspicion that they wer already --

"FINNLEY!" Caleb yelled from the other side, where no crowd was. He was running towards him, panting hard.

"Finn... beach..." he said between heavy breaths. Finn stared at Caleb perplexed. "What?" he asked, confused.


Finn shrugged and walked to the beach, dragging Caleb. It was just probably more fishes, or a problem in the sea, some minor stuff. He assured himself it wasn't a big deal.

Once his feet stepped on the warm sand, he saw a girl wearing some denim shorts, a white shirt and her hair still messy on her shoulders. Her head was bowing down, and there was something in her hand that he couldn't fathom what it was.

He recognized her as Millie. Walking slowly towards her, and stood beside her. He glanced back and Caleb was no where to be found.

"Do you have problems with your boat, or is there something with your paddles--?"

Millie shook her head, but her eyes still were focused down, and Finn noticed they were on two seeds in her palm.

"Seeds are symbols of new beginnings," she started, carefully raising her head to look at him. "They are nurtured, and taken care of until it can finally be on its own with the others."

"I think I just ended our friendship the other day, Finn," her voice was coarse but she cleared her throat. "And it is my fault." She fiddled with her fingers while keeping the seeds in her tight grasp. "But maybe we can repair it.. Im sorry, Finn."

She looked at Finn for the very first time. His mouth was slightly open, his eyes fixed on hers. "Your words were like a path that showed me what I should've done all along," she said quietly. "Thank you for giving me direction."

She took Finn's hand and held it in hers. There was the flame they felt when Finn gave her a kiss, it was fierce but calm, strong but careful; opposite but in a sense just the same.

Millie put one seed in his palm, and smiled at Finn shyly. "Im sorry."

; next day ;

"You look beautiful, Millie!" exclaimed a group of girls. Her hair was just clipped in one side and left to flow on her shoulders, she was smiling, and wearing a simple shirt and wearing a jumper.

"Thank you," she replied courteously. Some people looked at one another, confused at the sudden difference with Millie.

She had no make up on, not even some of her balms, but she looked even more beautiful. Finn stared at her the whole time during breakfast. Caleb was suppresing laughs at his best friend who seemed to be in a certain trance when Millie walked by.

During fishing, Finn and Millie's boats were always close to one another, and Millie was a different person. She was playful and kind, smiling and adorable.

Forget Millie Bobby Brown who embarrassed Jimmy Fallon. Forget Millie Bobby Brown who outspoke Clint. Forget Millie Bobby Brown who is bad and selfish.. because she is in the middle of learning how to change and adjust in this sudden difference.

hii guys ohmygosh last day of sem break!! ugh huhu i will try to update later today but no promises. 😭

we are nearly reaching 2k, omg!! thank you so much! i acutally had no inspiration and motivation to write this chapter last night but i read your very kind comments and ta da 😂 MAIA, THANK YOU SO MUCH. COVERS ARE 😍

*Delia { Read In Between, Take A Chance by Claire CLAIRE REACHED 1K PROUD OF MY BESTIE and Two Choices by Scarlet! } this was so rushed sorry :(

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