Eighteen flames

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Listen to the song while reading just to make the feels go crazzzzyyy 😂

The waves were peaceful, a very appropriate time for fishing. The sun was covered with the fluffy clouds, like floating cottonballs.

Finn and Millie shared a boat, and yes, it was an amazing time to fish, but Finn set working aside. He wanted to share a moment on sea more than just fishing with Millie, something special he had never even thought of before.

"Where are you taking me, you wolf?" Millie asked with a teasing tone. She had gotten fond of calling him a wolf, mainly because it was very cute.

Finn stuck his tongue out playfully with a wink. "Some place.. special." Millie's heart raced, her cheeks blushing. Her eyes twinkled and Finn noticed it.

Once Millie saw the view of the sea, her heart sank a little. They were going to fish; not anything special. Her time was running. In less than 2 months, she'd be leaving a whole part of her life that had given her a better definition of home than it did in the past 12 years.

"Hop on," Finn said his cheeks twitching with excitement. Millie faked a smile and sat in the boat. She turned her head for some fishing equipment but instead a basket perched in one of the seats.

"What's this? Where are the nets and the rods?" Millie questioned curiously. Finn chuckled. "We arent here to fish, little Millie," he said with a smile. "We're gonna have an oversea picnic."

Millie's heart took a leap and her eyes sparkled as she stared into Finn's. She couldnt help it anymore, she jumped out of her seat and hugged him tightly. "Oh my God, this is the nicest thing ever, Finn!" She exclaimed with glee as she tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

He chuckled. "Let's go then," he said, grinning.

You would expect Millie to get used to the beauty of the sea by now; she had been indeed with it for a month now just fishing and staring at it but somehow and in some way, she fell in love with it everytime her eyes saw it. It was a whole thing to love, a whole thing to understand.

The dark blue color that turned lighter as it reached the shoreline was her favorite. It's gradient wasnt just aesthetics or picture worthy-- it had a whole lot of depth in it. It was a symbol that people all have their deep and dark side, one thats better to be left alone. Not diminished and not forgotten but instead kept as an important thing to embedd in our minds; because without it there wouldnt be the light colors and shades near the sand.

"Hey Millie?" Finn's voice entered her and she snapped back into reality. "Oh sorry, I just.. caught myself in the sea again." She laughed at how silly it sounded.

Finn had set up the blanket. There was a bowl full of cinnamon apples, oatmeal cookies, chicken sandwiches, fresh strawberries and Millie's favorite beef stew. There were also slices of oranges and Finn's favorite-- orange juice. "Wow," she said in awe. "Thank you Finn-- this is all so nice." Millie gushed.

Finn smiled. "No problem. You deserve it." Millie couldnt help but grin widely. It was a simple gesture, but in a way had its touch of Finn and Millie-- the touch only they had.

Millie took a strawberry. "So," she said after swallowing it, reaching for another one. "Is this a date?"

"You could say that," Finn answered with a smirk. He was taking a huge bite from his sandwich.

There was a moment of silence; not awkward, instead, a meaningful one. Their eyes were locked. Finn looked away and nervously got some cinnamon apples.

He poured out some juice from the canister and handed it to Millie. She took it with a smile and took a sip. "I want to say something." Finn said. The hint of nervousness wasnt that obvious in his voice but Millie could sense it.

"What is it?" She whispered. Her eyes were fixed on his. "I think..." Their fingers inched slowly towards each other's.

"I think i like you."

She had reached over him and their lips met. In that short little time; that short moment.. there wasnt any sparks. But a flame. Burning wildly between them. They were two fires that just worked amazing together, that created a flame so fiery and so strong it seemed like nothing could tame it, moretheless turn it out.

Finn pulled away and stared in her eyes, smiling a bit. Millie was as well. Their noses were pressed against one another. Millie could vividly see his lashes, his freckles, and part of her just wished she hadnt kept her eyes closed when they kissed.

Two flames, so strong, so passionate. The love was found in it. The way they stood together amidst their flaws and imperfections. Despite how much they had hurt each other; that was all past. Because it seemed as if nothing  could overcome them now.

But sometimes, it is they themselves that burn it each other out. The love amd passion is so strong they cant handle it anymore. They cant manage it themselves. Its starting to hurt them already. Its reached its peak; but also its boiling point.

Their love was so strong it burned them out.

I havent updated in forver and im so sorry. School has really been making the 3 of us busy. I hope you havent lost hope and patience with us.

We love everyone of you here!! Thank you so much! We're almost 7k !!!

Its Christmas break so guess who's gonna update a lot now-- US!! HAHAAH

Thank you once again. Love ya lots!

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