authors note

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HIIII its been too friggin long hahahahahah

You Were Beautiful was unpublished for the reason that I wrote that at a very distracted, shitty time. I reread it and gagged. Im actually doubting of republishing it again or writing it anymore because I have thought of ways to somewhat make the story positive, but from where sudden difference left off, it's definitely has to be heartbreaking or else the story would have no sense. And tbh its hard to write!!!!

So i published a new story, name in sand, check that out. It's happy and light and probably short. Fluff fluff fluff!!!

And also i have not gotten over season two. Its been weeks but i am still emotional. So hmu whenever lets talk bout that and cry together hah

We just entered a whole new level of schoolworks, all three of us, and we kind of got seperated so its really hard to continue this all up ): i miss them hahahdhshdhaha

- d 💃

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