Three wishes

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present time

Millie chewed her gum irritably as Kelly sighed in anger. "When will you ever learn, Millie?!" her voice was shaking with anger. "This has been your last strike, child!" she screamed hysterically. "On the show of Jimmy Fallon was the time you decided to show off and showcase your terrible manners and impolite ways!"

Millie blew her gum and popped it in front of her mom. "How do you expect me to showcase nice manners and polite words when all my life I have never been taught about that anyway?!"

Kelly sighed. "Don't tell me that it's the useless crap again. The 'you never gave notice to me only to your business and Beverly' crap." Kelly's voice was bitter. "You are such a piece of crap, Millie! You are such a pain in the ass!" she screamed.

"Well thats the truth! Whether you like it or not. Yes you are a good mother, but to Beverly. Not to me." the bitterness rested on her tongue once again, sprouting words. Her mind was whirring. "It has always been her sickness, her health.. never me. But none of you ever bothered to pay attention to my plays, congratulate me for my shows.. It has always been Beverly."

The jealousy in her has been set free, the bitterness still locked in her heart. Millie has always been a shadow, a shadow that was never regarded or noticed. Because sometimes that is what we do to our shadows, we walk in the sun and lull in happiness but we don't notice the dark feeling following you.

"I am sending you to your Uncle Clint in South Carolina, Millie Bobby Brown. This was your last red flag."


Finn smiled as he felt the breeze caress his cheek. "The sea is always a nice place to do work." he said with a tone of satisfaction.

He took his rod and ran to his boat that was perched on the side of the shore. Pulling it to the sea, he ran his fingers through his hair to fix the messiness of it caused by the sea breeze.

He got his net and placed it beside his rod and took the paddles, gently pushing the waves back against the current. Peace was Finn's pleasure; he hated noise and misconceptions. His life as just a farmer's son didnt affect him, not in the slightest. He liked the simplicity of his life, and he never had a feeling of complaint.

"Finn, is that you honey?" a voice called out. Finn automatically made his paddling slower, and looked behind him. "Yes mom! Im going to catch lunch today!" he yelled back. Even from afar, the bright smile of his beautiful mother shone in the sunlight.


"Your fish looks good with your Dad's corn and peppers," said Joann with a bright smile. She was wearing her usual red checkered apron that had stitches all over because they couldnt afford a new one. She looked over at the pot boiling the corn.

"Where is Dad?" Finn asked while running his fingers through his hair. It was a habit he always did. "I think he might be getting some potatoes." she answered. "By the way, Finn," Joann began. "Charlie told me this morning that he had something important to telk you." Finn smiled. "I'll go talk to him later. Im really hungry, Mom." he said while jokingly clutching his stomach. They chuckled together.

Suddenly, Killian, Finn's father, went through the door with a sack in hand. He smiled at the view of seeing his only son and his wife laughing together. "I brought some potatoes for us," he hollered with a grin.

The Wolfhards had a nice lunch as they chatted.

Now, Joann and Killian had they decided to test Finn. They had always loved him and were rest assured that Finn was honestly and indeed happy and content. It was Joann who brought up the topic when she talked to Killian, for it has always been an edgy subject for him. You cant blame the hint of shame in him when he feels that he couldnt provide as much as others do fir them.

"So Finn," Joann said with a smile. "If you talked to a genie, and you were given the chance to have three wishes, what would they be?"

Finn looked up from his fish and raised his eyebrows. "Well.." he thought for a moment. "I guess it would've been; first.. a nice job, so that I can support both of you." he said with a smile. "Second would be.. long lives for the two of you too," he said. "and third.. would be more blessings to come for our family."

It was certified that Finn Wolfhard loved his family; no concern for the status or anything. He loved them; more than anything else.


Her pillow was wet with tears and stained with her Sultry matte lipstick. She had just come home from a meeting to finalizr her schedule this month and then it would be cut short because of this hellish consequences that her Mom made her face.

Kelly was always harsh in giving punishments to Millie. She disdained Millie's horrible attitude, but never did she care to listen to Millie's explanation. It had always circled around the fact that Millie was a very bad girl.

If this girl had three wishes, it would be very sad to say, but all of them would probably go for her benefits. But that is how she was raised to know about the world; it all started and ended with her. To be honest, if Millie had the three wishes, she would have wished for a thousand more.

But a wish is a wish, the chances of it coming true is not high. That is the sad reality of things, we just have to accept sometimes that our wishes are only a wish, and that no matter how hard we dream about it.. the stars wont hear and the moon wont care.

this is exactly 1001 words, hahaha. we are almost getting there! ♡ (i am loving finn so much, omg) there enjoy this lolz love you guys!

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