Seventeen seasons

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There had been 1 month that had passed. Millie's beauty didnt lessen or increase, but her glow was definitely radiating not only to her but to everyone. She got along with a lot of people. Everyone seemed to be falling in love a little with Millie; with her kindness and generosity.

The children loved her. Millie personally wasnt a fan of children, she found the city children irritating and annoying. But her effort to understand and bear with them was obvious. She sacrificed her time just so to chat about worthless ideas.

Her friendship with Finn had strengthened and bonded. Her life was like a cycle of seasons, her winter as her city life; cold and sad, a snowy avalanche of emotions and heart ache. Her autumn was her first days here in the farm; learning different things. She had learned to let go, let her leaves of pain finally fall to the ground. And now she was undergoing the process of spring; as different opportunities and chances to change had sprouted everywhere. She still hadnt met summer.

"Hey," Millie said playfully as she squeezed herself in carrying her tray of breakfast between Caleb and Finn. Caleb was drinking goat's milk and a loaf of dry bread was in his hand. He smiled at Millie's presence. Finn on the other hand, had his usual fresh orange juice that Millie also soon loved.

"Good morning, Millshie!" Caleb greeted using the funny nickname he had given her. Millie wrinkled her nose at him. She then faced Finn with a grin. Finn returned the smile. Their fingers touched under the table. Finn, being the awkward person he is, was to inch his fingers away, but Millie intertwined them.

Their eyes were locked at each other for a moment.

Millie then released her fingers from his with a slight smirk on her face, Finn blushing red. She brought the spoon of stew into her mouth and began gulping down spoonfuls of her breakfast.

"So," she said while tucking some loose strands of brown locks behind her ear. "Uncle Clint told me its Fishing Season." she was smiling brightly at him. Caleb had walked over to Sadie. Finn grinned at her.

"It is," he replied. "Thats why we need to work extra for these coming weeks."

She nodded with a genuine smile. "I've learned to love fishing." she remarked while looking up to him. "It's very peaceful to just ride a boat in the middle of the sea. You can just contemplate about life while waiting for a tug," she continued, referring to the fishing rod. "It's nice."

2 months left.

Why was it so fast? Her hands turned clammy. She had only stayed here for a month so far but she was already terrified to leave.

"Hey Mills!" a voice yelled. Millie turned her head to see it was Sadie. The two got along easily. Millie apologized to Sadie for the last encounter they had and they soon enough were able to becone close friends.

"Have you tasted real fresh cow's milk?" she was visibly carrying a bucket full of milk. "No, i dont think I have. I mean I've onky tasted the ones from the super market." she explained.

"It's better than goat's milk if you ask me," Sadie commented. Millie chuckled. "Okay, Im gonna get a glass, wait here." Sadie ran off

"She's a very happy person, Sadie." Millie said with a wide smile. She waited for Finn's reply but caught him staring at the floor. "Hey," she said, nudging him. "Are you okay?"

He snapped back into reality. "Oh.. yeah. Its just that.. Sadie's mom died 2 years back." Millie gasped. She never knew that Sadie could have experienced that loss, she was always such a happy person.

"What-- how?"

Finn sighed. "Sadie's mom got crushed by a tree. The tree was being cut, she didnt see it and so did the people who were cutting it, so the trunk fell on her. Sadie didnt finish high school because they needed money for the hospital fee. She had a broken leg, but they said the major cause of death was suffocation." he said the words slowly and carefully, as still analyzing his choice of words.

Millie gaped at Sadie as she smiled to herself and getting a glass. How could she  be so happy, so carefree, when bitterness swallowed her life?

"How can she do that?" Millie whispered. She thought Finn couldnt hear, but he heard it audibly. "How can she be so happy easily when she experienced such a tragedy? Im still halfway.." her voice trailed on, but she came into a halt, noticing Finn was listening.

Finn chuckled. "She was sad, a lot. She carries the only picture of her mom every day in the pocket of her flannel," he told her. "Being bitter and letting that bitterness overtake you wont make a difference. If Sadie was bitter about it, it wouldnt bring back her mother, wont it? It'll cause her more pain because it's going to be like she's forcing herself to carry that burden of bitterness all along with her." Millie's lips slightly opened, bit closed as fast. "You're right." she breathed.

"Here's the milk, Mills!" Sadie said while handing over a glass of milk. Millie smiled. "Thank you," she replied while sipping from the glass. "Wow! This is amazing!" Millie exclaimed as she took another sip. Sadie's eyes filled with glee. "Really? It's from my cow," she said proudly.

Finn smiled as the two chatted on. Millie was growing day by day. She wasnt just halfway, she was nearly at the finish line. Hr smiled at the thought that luckily; he had ay least set a new perspective of life to Millie.

But all things must near to an end, and their story was just coming near it. 1 month passed.. 2 more left.

Hii sorry for the wait haha. Im not lying-- school is hectic. Its really a whirlwind of so many things to do, so please bear with me, hahhaa. you guys are awesome btw, we're almost hitting 6k!! ilysm guys*delia

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