sequel sneak peek

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The full blast of the air conditioner was freezing Millie's fingers.

Subtly, she tugged on the sleeves of her yellow cardigan. Finn was driving straight ahead, his gaze on the road.

After a few moments, he pulled over, and the thick silence upon them became awkward.

Clearing his throat, "Uhm, before you go.." he sighed. "I just want to say that i dont want you to hope. Hope for.. us."

Her heart wasnt breaking, in fact, it was numb. Like it couldnt process whatever he was saying. Her mind knew it, but her heart couldnt accept it.

There was a long pause.

The silence was deafening her, the cold air was suffocating her lungs. She could feel the tears swell in her eyes, but she dared not blink.

"I--" she tried to start but her voice cracked, and Finn knew she was crying.

Guilt spread over him like a blanket, creeping into him. He gulped, and closed his eyes.

"I dont get it."

Her voice was sad. He had never heard her spoke that way. Even when she told him her story with her family a year ago, it sounded frustrated, longing. Not like this. Not this kind of sad.

She was vulnerable in front of him. She was like a book opening herself for him, like a wolf trying to change herself into a lion just so that she'd be liked by that one person she was trying to impress.

It is ironic that it was like last year all over again. Trying to be the best for someone who didnt care.

"Millie, Im sorry.. but Sadie's been there for me a lot," he told her gently. "She was the one who stood by me when--" he stopped, the painful memory still an ache to his heart.

Millie wiped her tears with the sleeve of her knitted cardigan, meeting his eyes.

And like that, just like that, she knew it was done.

The way he looked at her said everything.

"When you left," his eyes were pouring in hers. "She gave me hope that i could live again. She gave me the reason to smile again," he continued. "And you're with Noah. I shouldnt even have taken you out." His throat was drying.

"Millie please," his voice sounded so desperate it hurt. "Please dont come back anymore to my life."

And because she was weak, and because she was Millie, she nodded, let the tears fall, and walked out of his car.

"You were beautiful," he whispered under his breath, as he let his forehead rest on the wheel, and let the tears fall.


decided to give you a sneak peek on waz comin up

Lol btw does anyone know how to make a cover?? Idk yet with lequeenlaura tho so idk :(( pls dm me hereee :)

Thanks and tell me what you guys think about this cause this is just lit sad crap lol

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