Twenty-two reasons

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The pearly white marble complimented Millie's cute little cream colored heels. They were over 800 dollars, and she was proud of it.

Being the age of 5, innocent and clueless, she hung around as her sister stayed at home and her parents discussing business over champagne on the other side of the ball room. The famous five star hotel with a French name Millie couldnt quite yet read had elegant and sophisticated furniture.

She stood awkwardly at one corner carrying some tissue paper and a chicken leg, eating it neatly. There were no crumbs on the floor or on her dress since she was very conscious about it, wiping tissue every now and then. The ends of her lips had crumbs of it's breading.

Meanwhile, Ellie, was having the hardest time in convincing her son to go out of their suite and into the ball room where everyone was.

"Come on, honey," Ellie cooed. "It will be fun. Mommy is just going to talk with some clients and you can sit down and drink one of those strawberry milkshakes you love, dont you?"

Tears threatened to fall down Noah's eyes. "Mommy, I dont like." He cried in his Ellie's shoulder.

He had always been shy and more of an introvert from the very start.

"Come on, Noah." Ellie said patiently. "I promise you'll be okay."

He knew that his mother was suffering in difficulty as she was trying to persuade him, and he didnt want to make her have a hard time. Young as he was, he understood his mother and never wanted to hurt her.

Ellie's lips which were tinted red curved softly into a gentle smile. She hugged her son tightly, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you so much, Noah."


The night bored on and Noah was seated on one of the fancy tables, looking at his polished black shoes.

His mind was yearning to go back to the suite and watch TV, maybe, but he was stuck waiting for his parents to finish talking with their clients.

Millie caught sight of Noah's brown, caramel like hair, and walked towards him confidently from behind.

"Hello!" she beamed, her smile wide. "My name is Millie! You are?" Her smile was still toothy and big, her eyes twitching a little.

"Im Noah," he replied softly, gaping at Millie. For some reason, she seemed to intrigue him.

"What a nice name! Have you tried the chicken legs?"


Noah woke up in sweat, panting. That dream has been haunting him for numerous nights now, all about Millie and their first encounter. It was like a permanent marking he had tried to scrub off, but all efforts in vain.

Ever since news that Beverly died reached the Schnapps, they connected with the Browns once again. In pity and in sorrow, Ellie comforted Kelly with friendship.

Noah knew that Millie was sent to the farm in South Carolina, and it has always boggled him; How is she doing? Is she okay? Are the people there kind?

He never lost the care and concern he had for Millie. He always was very protective of her. Even if the reason for it was for him or for her sake, it was undeniable that he cared for Millie.

He stood up, ruffling his hair. A framed picture of him and Millie was perched on his desk, in which they were at a business banquet, Noah smiling widely at the camera and Millie's lips curved crookedly.

He stared at it for a while, picked it up, and sighed.

The possibilities were endless. With them, they worked finely with the limitations they had.

And up to this day, Noah still couldnt figure out why Millie cut ties. No matter how hard he thought, there were no good enough reasons that came to him. His pride was his anchor, that he didnt see that his intentions of being friends with Millie had been revealed.

yow sucky chapter but it's new year's eve so. ;( LAST 3 CHAPTERS THE END IS NEAR EVERYBODY :( BRACE URSELVES

i think a lot of this fandom is aware there has been a lot of drama in our fandom and we-- claire, scarlet and i-- decided to lay low, but honestly the hate has been getting TOO MUCH.

so i know finn has been upset with the book itself and all, but you're also upsetting him and all the st cast members by hating on others. idk what happened to all that made u vicious and unthoughtful people. ;(

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