Fifteen changes

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Mornings was Finn's favorite time of the day.

He did his usual routine, taking a shower first, which includes getting water from a nearby well, and before going to breakfast at the center of the town, would take a glass of orange juice and sip it slowly on the sea shore.

It was exceptionally bright for 5:30 am. He was sitting peacefully on the sand, just staring at the sea. Remembering Millie's seed, he smiled to himself. He just planted it yesterday in a pot he placed specially where the sunlight hit near his window next to his bed. His glass if orange juice was almost half filled as he took a gulp.

Millie on the other hand, was walking towards the beach, a little smile plastered on her face as her earphones were plugged in her ears. She was listening to her favorite Nirvana song "Lithium", and she hummed along softly under her breath. She loved doing footprints in the sand early in the morning, but decided to be extra early today since she slept early as well.

Carrying her slippers in her hand since she liked to feel the sand barefoot, she caught sight of Finn's dark hair.

Her smile widened as she slowly crept behind him and sat slowly beside him. Finn raised his head to have a glimpse of Millie.

"Hi," she greeted. Finn grinned. "Morning," he replied while offering her some orange juice. Millie took the glass from Finn and took a sip.

Finn watched in awe as time seemed to slow down as her lips touched the glass, tilting it. She licked her lips after, as if savoring the taste. "Is this the fresh one?" she asked. Finn nodded. "Im a big fan of natural orange juice."

Their small talks illuminated more the bright morning. They could talk about the most simplest things, but still enjoy the conversation.

There was no doubt some changes that are obviously present. Why do their eyes brighten when they see each other? Why do their faces drop when they have to leave? Why does every second they're together seem like moments of bliss? Whem before, they didnt seem to care. She was Millie and he was Finn, two different people who are to live by their own. But today, she's still Millie and he's still Finn, but they're friends-- this time with the same understanding of its definion.


Smiling to herself, Millie opened her phone. She hadnt opened it for a week now, and she cant deny that she missed it. Since they had not abundant electricity, she relied on her powerbank and did her best to conserve its battery.

She wanted to capture and document her life here. For a start, she was liking it in some way.

She found joy in simple things now, which is a very unlikely trait for her. She enjoyed moments with Finn in the beach, she enjoyed the salty sea breeze when she fished, she enjoyed the beef stew and sweet potatoes.

She opened her camera and giggled as she took a quick photo of Finn while he was fishing. They were both on seperate boats. The way his hair was curly on his forehead, the way his lips moved when he talked..

She came into a halt in her thoughts. She had never felt this way before; when you start noticing little beautiful things about a person.. never. Not with Noah even. She had never felt like this. It had been bugging her for a couple of days now.

Unexpected things, unexpected changes sometimes tend to scare us. That was Millie's problem at first. We tend to have a mindset that we are all alone, that we face challenges individually. We forget that there are people who want to help, people who reach out.. ready to catch you when you fall. Unexpected things are the most frightening things, but they can sometimes mean for the better of us.

i havent updated in forever!! HAHA lol sorry i am also not used to not updating 😂 school just sucks, and my next update is either tomorrow or later today not sure. depends on my inspiration 😂 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K + reads!

go read Two Choices by Scarlet, Take a Chance by Claire and In Between!

ALERTTT: Chapter 16 is quite depressing. If you happen to be depressed and if it might trigger you, please skip it. It is a throwback chapter, so you wont miss much. Thank you!

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